Here's What's New

Andrea’s Assorted Crisis Picks for 03.12.2025

Hi Comic Shop Friends! We have some great things happening in the shop this month! Late Nite Comics is coming up on Thursday the 20th! 8 pm to midnight! Get ready for tons and tons of dollar stock, and 50% off back issues! It’s also time for our annual Winston-World sale! From Friday, March 21st, through Sunday, March 23rd, back issues will be 50% off, and you get 10% off everything else in the shop! (That is not already discounted.) On Sunday the 30th, from 4 pm to 6 pm, Matthew Rosenberg and Tyler Boss will be here for a free signing! We’ll have free copies of their new #1s for the first hundred people! We read early previews of both of them, and they are worth picking up. We’re Taking Everyone Down with Us is a mix of James Bond, Venture Bros, and family mystery. You’ll Do Bad Things is a giallo-esque true crime horror about a writer who may or may not be directly involved in the murders. We have some of their past titles up on the...

Andrea’s Strange Picks for 03.05.2025

Hi Comic Shop Friends! We have some cool stuff coming up this month! March 20th will be the next Late Nite Comics, and we’re back to the third Thursday like normal! Boxes and boxes of dollar stock and half off back issues! We’ll be having a free signing with Matthew Rosenberg and Tyler Boss on Sunday, March 30th from 4pm to 6pm!  You may have already seen Rosenberg’s new title, We’re Taking Everyone Down with Us, on the counter encouraging you to add it to your pull. We also set out Boss’s new book, You’ll Do Bad Things, to encourage you too! Both of these titles are well worth checking out! The previews we got early set up some intriguing stories, and issue #1 of both of them will be out the week of their signing! We are starting to prep for Free Comic Book Day! Mark your calendars for the first Saturday in May, the 3rd! It’ll be here before you know it! MARVEL COMICS What will Stephen Strange do now that Doom is Sorcerer Supreme? Searching for a...

Andrea’s Jumpscare Picks for 02.26.2025

Hi Comic Shop Friends! There have been some cool announcements coming out of ComicsPro this past weekend, and we’ll see what info the guys have now that they’re back! They’ll also be sorting through the exclusives they brought back and we’ll have those out for sale soon! This Thursday! 8pm to midnight! Late Nite Comics! Tons of dollar stock! Grab 100 or more, and they’re only 50 cents each! 50% off all back issues! Including the wall! Pick out a valentine and get free dollar books! Anywhere from 3 to 50 free comics! Who knows what you’ll get, but every card is a winner! MARVEL COMICS Marvel has two One World Under Doom tie-ins this week, and stuff is getting real… In the second of the Fantastic Four OWUD issues, it’s up to “The Dream Team” to find a way to stop Doom. “It’s been a week. …God it’s only been a week.” With Reed holed up in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben takes Sue to New York for a break and to visit She-Hulk....