50% off Back Issues at CNJComics
We wanted to do something special for each week of Free Comic Book Day Summer, and this week we’re going to keep it easy and offer 50% off all back issues.

It’s been awhile and we never has a proper summer sale to go with San Diego Comic, so it’s time to do it again!
Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who came out and supported our $1.00 Small Press Sale. We sold 19 long boxes of comics and hopefully made alot of people happy.
We also sold a lot of our discounted Marvel graphic novels, and we have even more coming in this week. Books like:
Daredevil by Mark Waid Volume One

We love this book, and it’s an instant classic in an already extensive list of great Daredevil stories. It added a little humor and lightened the tone of the character for a bit.
Regular $15.99 for only $4.00!
Daredevil Guardian Devil

This was the first book from Marvel’s Marvel Knights line. Written by Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats) and drawn by Joe Quesada. It’s a great call back to the Frank Miller Daredevil Born Again story. (It made Mysterio a legit villain too.)
Regular $19.99 for only $5.00!
We got lots more coming in too.
New Comic wise it’s a really fun week. Just following Joker War and Dark Nights Death Metal is enough to warrant a trip into the shop.
DC Comics
Joker War Continues in Batman #97, Nightwing #73 and Harley Quinn #75.

It’s worth noting that Harley #75 is an over sized issue with not only a roast of Harley, but a showdown between her and the Joker’s new (sidekick?) Punchline.
Dark Nights Death Metal has a Guidebook this week, which is more like a collection of short stories.

Marvel Comics
On the Marvel side Moon Knight fans should be following Avengers, as the Fist of Khonshu has been taking the team apart one by one. Super fun read.

We also can’t say enough about the work Donny Cates is doing on Thor. It seems like everyone is already reading it but just in case…

Lastly, we’ll be putting Maestro #1 into everyones file who gets Immortal Hulk.

We figured everyone would want to read how the Hulk grows up to be his own greatest villain, written by the legendary Peter David and drawn by classic Hulk artist Dale Keown. (!)
(Let us know if you want to continue the five issue mini series after you read issue #1.)
Free Comic Book Summer
This Saturday is week six of Free Comic Book Day Summer, and since a majority of this week’s new offerings are decent All Ages books, we’ll be pulling out the FCBD Suckers and stickers for the kids. We’ll also pull out the boxes of old FCBD books for people to dig through as well.
Carol will both be working in the shop Saturday from noon until 4 pm Saturday to say hi to everyone! She wants to come out once a month on Saturdays for awhile to say hi to everyone. Full CoVod measures are always in place, (hand sanitizing, masks and distancing) but let’s take extra special care when Carol’s in the shop please.
This week’s all ages books include InvestiGators, Disney Masters Donald Duck and the 2020 Loud House FCBD Special.

Teen selections include Street Fighter #100 Ryu vs Chun Li and the Overstreet Guide to Collecting Comics.

The Overstreet Guide is a really great way to introduce yourself to the world of collecting comics!
As always, we’ll have books from previous weeks left over for you to take as well.
Okay, that’s it everyone! Have a great week and we’ll see you at the shop!