Star Wars and New Comics Releases for the week of 1-14-2015 at CNJComics
Sure we’ve got a full week of new comic releases, but let’s not pretend this week is about anything other than Star Wars’ return to Marvel Comics!
Here’s the featured new comic releases for the week of Wednesday, January 14th.
Star Wars returns to Marvel Comics in an extra sized #1 issue for only $4.99!
Since Disney now owns both Marvel Comics and Lucas Film, it’s only natural that the rights to produce the comics have fallen back to Marvel in 2015. Marvel’s pulled out their top talent in the form of Jason Aaron and John Cassaday to bring us a new story set in the aftermath of Star Wars A New Hope.
To get everyone excited for the release we’re going to be showing all the variant covers we’ll be carrying, along with the ratio of availability. (1:25 would mean we would carry one copy of that cover for every 25 regular copies we order.) Some will be really hard to get and prices will vary, but at least you’ll get to see some of the artwork here.
We have ordered a lot of the regular cover and you’ll always be able to get that at cover price all week at $4.99!
Star War #1 Campbell Connecting Variant 1:50
Star Wars #1 Cassaday Teaser Variant 1:25
Star Wars #1 McLeod Variant 1:25
Star Wars #1 Movie Variant 1:15
Star Wars #1 Pichelli Variant 1:20
Star Wars #1 Ross Variant 1:50
(A great tribute to the original Star Wars #1 from Marvel back in 1977)
Star Wars #1 Quesada Variant 1:100
Star Wars #1 Christopher Humorous Party Sketch Variant
(only one per store participating in a launch party and featuring JAXON!) (It’ll be a sketch version of this cover)
Some really cool artwork and again it’s more to get you excited about your purchase of the standard edition. We’ll also be giving everyone a free Star Wars lithograph with the purchase of a copy. (we’re not even sure what it looks like yet, as Marvel has kept it’s art a secret)
Also this week will be the release of the gigantic Marvel Star Wars Omnibus Volume One!
This huge tomb will be $125 and will have the Star Wars issues #1-#44 and Annual #1 from the 1970 and 80’s. This cover the stretch of issues from the Star Wars adaptation to the Empire Strikes Back Adaptation along with all the stories in between. People have asked me if it’s worth reading and I’m going to have to say yes. The stories rotate characters and as a kid I loved the Han Solo stuff. The first original story has Han recruiting a team of characters Seven Samurai style (or should I say Battle Beyond the Stars style) including the aforementioned Green Space Rabbit Jaxon. A reasonable price for the content actually.
It’s worth noting that Marvel has two other Star Wars series are in the works including Darth Vader #1 coming out February 11th, and Princess Leia #1 coming out March 4th. All three titles can be easily added to your file at this point so you don’t miss a thing!
Like I said, it’s all about Star Wars this week! See you this week at the shop!