New Comic Releases for the Week of 2-11-2015

We’ll be running a really cool Image Comics promotion this week, so be sure to read all the way through to learn how to be a part of the indie comic revolution. But first…

…here’s the new comic releases for the week of Wednesday February 11th, 2015

Harley Quinn is celebrating Valentine’s Day in a brand new special from DC Comics!

Harley_Quinn_Valentine's_SpecialHarley Quinn wins a date with Bruce Wayne for Valentine’s Day, but she has no idea who he really is in the Harley Quinn Valentine’s Day Special #1. There will even be a sketch cover for artists who would like to draw their own cover as a gift. (If you’re going to give a folded piece of cardboard as a gift then it might as well have some pages in it. )

DC The New Frontier is getting a new Deluxe Edition Hardcover this week.

DC_New_Frontier_DeluxeQuite simply one of my top five favorite stories of all time. Set during the development of the Silver Age of comics. One of the most well thought out, satisfying and inspirational books out there. Darwyn Cooke at his best. You get everything here for $49.99. A+++

Hot on the heels of the success of the new Star Wars comic book is Darth Vader #1 from Marvel Comics!

Darth_Vader_1The first two issues of Star Wars were national sell outs, and we’re looking at that pattern to continue for Darth Vader #1. Written by Kieron Gillen with art by Salvador Larroca and set right after Star Wars a New Hope. Let’s see what the war looks like from the other side.

This week is also the conclusion of Spider-Verse in Amazing Spider-Man #14!.

Amazing_Spider-Man_14I can’t say it enough times, Spider-Verse has been one of the most satisfying story lines in the past year. It all comes to a close right here, but it’s already a success in my book. (if you didn’t hop on board in time, keep your eyes out for the graphic novel in a few months. You won’t be disappointed.)

If you’ve been watching Guardians of the Galaxy on an endless DVD loop, it’s time to get out of the house and pick up the Rocket Raccoon Hardcover by Skottie Young.

Rocket_Raccoon_HCFun and light-hearted, this book would be a perfect introduction to comic books for fans of the film. $24.99.

And finally, the Image Firsts Compendium Volume One!

Image_Firsts_Compendium_2014This huge $5.99 tomb features the full first issues of:

Wytches by Scott Snyder and Jock
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta by Robert Kirkman and Paul Azaceta
Nailbiter by Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson
Southern Bastards by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour
The Fade Out by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips
The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
Low by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini
Shutter by Joe Keatinge and Leila del Duca
C.O.W.L. by Kyle Higgins, Alec Siegel, and Rod Reis

Truly some of the best indie books being published by the top creators in the business. We think this volume is such a great gateway to new reading material that you can either pay the $5.99 for it, or we’ll give you a copy for FREE with the purchase of any Image Graphic Novel this week! Even if you read all these books what a great gift to give to someone you want to introduce to the hobby.

THE PERFECT VALENTINE’S GIFT? A Harley Quinn Valentine’s Day Special back to back with an Image First Compendium! The real gift is sharing something you love with someone and introducing them to a new hobby. 😉 ahem. We’ve also got gift certificates. 

Don’t forget that Back Issue Tuesdays are still in effect for the month of February, where you get 50% off all back issues on Tuesdays all month.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day and we’ll see you at the shop!

John Dudas