New Comic Releases for 2-4-2015
Here’s the featured new releases for the week of Wednesday, February 4th 2015.
This week starts the new crossover between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men in Black Vortex Alpha #1.
Black Vortex Alpha #1 kicks off a 13 part three month long crossover. Starlord has to steal the “Black Vortex” before billions of lives are lost. This first issue is by Sam Humphries and Ed McGuinness.
Here’s a checklist for you for the coming months:
February 2015
- The Black Vortex Alpha #1
- Guardians of the Galaxy #24
- Legendary Star-Lord #9
- All-New X-Men #38
March 2015
- All-New X-Men #39
- Guardians Team-Up #3
- Guardians of the Galaxy #25
- Nova #28
- Legendary Star-Lord #10
April 2015
- Cyclops #12
- Captain Marvel #14
- Legendary Star-Lord #11
- The Black Vortex Omega #1
Enjoyed the first issue of Star Wars like we did? Issue #2 is out this week!
The first issue had just the right amount of Star Wars shenanigans, while sticking to the core cast enough to make it assessable to all. Incredibly fun and it gets a big thumbs up from the entire staff. (Next week is Darth Vader #1 by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca!)
Finally, finally finally…Hawkeye #21.
Enjoy it while it last though. This is part one of “the finale” and #22 will be the final extra sized issue.
DC’s got a new original hardcover with Superman Earth One Volume Three.
J. Michael Straczynski has been writing these hardcovers and they’ve continually made it to the New York Times Best Seller List. Volumes One and Two are on the shelf and are well worth picking up. They’re a different spin on Superman and not set in Regular Continuity. (well, somewhere in the 52 Earth’s at least. If you didn’t pick up last week’s Multiversity Handbook you should run out and get one. It was incredibly educational and actually a lot of fun)
Lots of Indie fun this week, starting with Nameless #1 from Grant Morrison and Image Comics.
Fans of Morrison’s Invisibles and Filth will dig him going full on Independent again. “An astronomer kills his family, then himself, leaving a cryptic warning. A Veiled Lady hunts her victims through human nightmares. An occult hustler known only as ‘Nameless’ is recruited by a consortium of billionaire futurists for a desperate mission. And the malevolent asteroid Xibalba spins closer on a collision course with Earth. But nothing is what it seems-a terrifying inhuman experiment is about to begin. Abandon all hope and experience ultimate horror in NAMELESS”.
This week is also a big week for Spawn, with the triple sized issue #250.
Most people don’t even realize Spawn’s even still being made but there’s still a huge cult following associated with this book. This issue is written by Todd McFarlane and features the return of the original Spawn Al Simmons.There’s also six different covers by TODD MCFARLANE, GREG CAPULLO, SKOTTIE YOUNG, JOCK, SEAN MURPHY, and PHILIP TAN. (if you think about it, pretty much the best artist line up possible.)
BOOM has a book I think is pretty interesting this week, with Cluster #1.
Written by Ed Brisson (who did a pretty good job over at Image with Sheltered): “In the distant future, as mankind discovers life on other planets, it needs soldiers to defend its colonies and outposts across the stars. In order to increase the number of boots on the ground, criminals are offered the opportunity to serve in the place of incarceration. But as wars wage on and more soldiers are needed, small-time crimes are given long-term punishments. When a group of prisoners serving their time as soldiers become stranded and abandoned on a war-torn planet, they’ll need to work together to survive and uncover the truth behind Earth’s role in deep space” I’m in.
Just a quick reminder that we’ll be having BACK ISSUE TUESDAYS all February long, so come in on February 3rd, 10th, 17th or 24th and get 50% off all back issues. (We’ve really loaded them up with new books lately too.)
Brave the weather and come see us this week at the shop!
John Dudas