Winston World 2015 at CNJComics February 20th – 22nd
Welcome to Winston World 2015! To celebrate the historic occasion of a national comic book convention coming to Cleveland, we’ve decided to have a weekend sale in case you can’t find what you’re looking for down there (Or if you just want to skip the whole thing and save a little money instead.)
Winston is our shop cat and is an international celebrity on par with William Shatner.
Don’t believe us? Check this out! (He’s Number 1!)
12 Cats Who Live in Comic Book Stores
We’re talking really famous. So much so that all weekend you can purchase the…
Winston Platinum VIP Experience @ Winston World 2015 only $499.99 and gets you a VIP Speedpass for Autographs & Photo Ops with Winston
Other than this one of a kind encounter with Winston we’ll also be having :
You have to be able to find a bargain because literally everything in the shop is on sale.
We’ll even be doing a raffle for a $100 gift certificate, be sure to fill one out.
If you are visiting the shop from out of town, we’ll also be handing out FREE maps of Superman’s interesting history right here in Cleveland. They’re pretty snazzy and you can only get them at the shop. Make the most of your time in our amazing town!
Still have free time? Try this on for size:
Saturday night we’ll be sponsoring an art show at Breakneck Gallery where local artists have drawn super heroes in pin up style poses.
Here’s a preview of our beloved Erin Schechtman’s piece for the show.
We’ll be providing ‘refreshments’ for this show and Ryan will be there peddling DC Bombshell statues and pub glasses. (John Shearer’s even threatening to hang out there too.)
Support this Gallery’s final show! They are an asset to the community and we’re sorry to see them go.
Sincerely, we’re excited to see a comic show is Cleveland again. I spent my entire youth setting up a conventions and violating labor laws from one end of the country to another. (and sometimes out of the country) I’m eleven years old here:
See that icy stare? That’s the look of a boy confidently learning a trade while on the road. :/
Stay warm Cleveland, and be sure to reach out to us with any concerns this weekend!