New Comic Releases for the Week of 3-4-2015

It’s a Marvel kind of week, with some other cool stuff added in, and even a call back to a series you should be reading.

Let’s check out the new comic releases for the week of Wednesday March 4th, 2015.

First up, Marvel’s going to strike gold again with Princess Leia #1.

Princess_Leia_#1This is a five issue mini series written by Mark Waid with art by Terry Dodson. (really, the perfect team for this book.) Focusing on the ‘princess without a world’ aspect of her personality and set after A Hew Hope, just like the Star Wars and Darth Vader series. All the Star Wars titles are top notch and have the staff’s full recommendation.

Even though the old series isn’t over yet, we’ve still got All New Hawkeye #1 coming out this week.

All_New_Hawkeye_#1Jeff Lemire’s got a tough act to follow, and the first act isn’t even over yet. We’re still waiting on Matt Fraction’s final issue, but this new ongoing starts this Wednesday. Lemire’s an indie fave who ironically had a great run on Green Arrow over at the Distinguished Competition. Personal favorite Ramon Perez is on art chores.e #1>J

There’s a new ongoing Guardians of the Galaxy title this week, and it starts off with a bang!


Each issue will feature the Guardians teaming up with different characters, starting with the Avengers and drawn by ART ADAMS! (That’s huge news.) Regular series writer Brian Bendis will be writing this series too. Look for an upcoming issue with Gamora and She Hulk!

Spider-Woman gets a much needed redesign in Spider-Woman #5.

Spider-Woman_#5I always thought Spider-Woman had a timeless uniform, one of my favorite’s actually, but I understand the need for a new look. (and it was time for Greg Land to go.) Dennis Hopeless already had a great story going, and Javier Rodriguez’s art will make it even better.

Lemire’s having a pretty good week, with Hawkeye and an all new title from Image.

Descender_#1Lemire’s indie credibility comes from work on Underwater Welder, Trillium, and Sweet Tooth. (and Pistol Whip if you go back far enough.) All great stuff.

“One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera.”

We’d like to give a call back to a series that’s been getting a lot of attention lately, Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky. (yes, the aforementioned Hawkeye scribe) Before you get offended, it’s a love story at heart, and actually a love story in a love story, as the industry power couple of Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick adapt the series for television.

sex criminals“Suzie’s just a regular gal with an irregular gift: when she has sex, she stops time. One day she meets Jon and it turns out he has the same ability. And sooner or later they get around to using their gifts to do what we’d ALL do: rob a couple banks.”

To expanded awareness of the series we’ll be heavily stocking the first two graphic novels (the first one’s bargain priced at $9.99) along with a $1.00 edition of the first issue. There’s also really cool (tiny) hardcover that expands on the books letter page called “Just the Tips”. Thanks how much culture has developed around this title in a short period of time.

Finally we’ll throw DC Direct some props for their new wooden figures.

Batman_Wood_FigureOnly $12.95, and made completely of eco friendly rubberwood with interchangeable parts. Both Batman and Superman are available. I’ve seen them in person and they have a great feel to them.

That’s all we’ve got for this week. See you soon at the shop!

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