New Comic Releases for the Week of 4-8-2015

DC’s Convergence continues, Archie Comics has some new “not so” all ages books this week, and we’ve got a creator signing on Saturday!

Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, April 15th, 2015.

It’s week two for DC’s Convergence, and nationally the event is being considered a hit. My take after week one is that there is something very comforting to reading these short stories, and for new readers they act as a time capsules to open up and explore why certain era’s in DC’s history are important. This week’s books are all set in Pre Zero Hour (1994) post Crisis (1985) continuity, specifically Metropolis sometime near the end of 1993. (By my guess) This is the era where Superman is Dead, Batman had his back broken, Hal Jordan became Parallax, and piranha’s ate Aquaman’s hand. This is the era when it seemed like everyone was reading comics. Here’s a break down on what to look forward too this week:

ConvergienceAquaman1Convergence Aquaman #1: Aquaman dealing with the aforementioned loss of his hand.

Convergence Batman Shadow of the Bat 1Convergence Batman Shadow of the Bat #1: One of the highlights of the entire project. Soon after getting his back broken by Bane, Batman confronts his poorly chosen replacement, Azrael. Writen by the legendary Larry Hama too.
Convergence Catwoman #1: Purple jump suited Catwoman verse the bitter Kingdom Come Batman.
Convergence Green Arrow #1: Oliver Queen meets his son Connor Hawke for the first time.

Convergence Green Lantern Paralax 1Convergence Green Lantern / Parallax #1: Kyle Rayner has just become Green Lantern and Hal Jordan is just about to go crazy as Parallax.
Convergence Justice League International #1: The high comedy era of the Justice League against the grim reality of the Kingdom Come universe.
Convergence Suicide Squad #1: An appropriately sized Amanda Waller puts together a team of super villains

Convergence Superboy 1Convergence Superboy #1: 90’s cocky Superboy verse creepy Kingdom Come Superman.
Convergence Supergirl Matrix #1: Guest starring Ambush Bug, the 80’s model for Deadpool.
Convergence Superman Man Of Steel #1: Post death of Superman Steel written by the beloved Louise Simonson.

(If you’ve never read it, this is a good week to pick up the classic Mark Waid / Alex Ross graphic novel Kingdom Come)

Conergence 2Let’s not forget the core story in Convergence #2, where pre New 52 Batman confronts the modern Earth 2 Batman!

Archie really is having a great week with their adult line this week, starting with the new Fox #1 written by Mark Waid.

Fox 1After the success of Black Hood #1 Archie continues it’s classic superhero launch with Fox #1. Mark Waid pretty much always delivers, and this looks to be no exception.

Also from Archie this week is the super creepy Archie Predator #1.

Archie Vs Predator 1I’ve read this book and it’s dead on. Imagine Betty covered in blood being chased through the jungle in the classic Archie art style. (It’s Spring Break in Costa Rica, what did you expect?)

Ben’s been sounding off about how much he likes Valiant Comics, so we had to through a shout out in for Bloodshot Reborn #1.

Bloodshot Reborn 1Being written by Jeff Lemire (Hawkeye, Green Arrow and Decenders) even gives it some street cred. “Bloodshot’s nanites made him a nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing made him the perfect weapon, and he served his masters at Project Rising Spirit – a private contractor trafficking in violence – very well. Now, Bloodshot is a shadow of his former self. He lives in selfimposed exile, reeling from the consequences of his past life and the recent events that nearly drove him mad. But when a rash of shootings by gunmen who appear to look just like Bloodshot begin, his guilt will send him on a mission to stop the killers, even if it means diving headlong into the violence that nearly destroyed him.”

Also this week we’ll be having a creator sign with Thom Zahler!

ponyThis Saturday April 18th from noon until 2pm, Thom Zahler will be signing FREE copies of his My Little Pony Comic Book featuring Twilight Sparkle from IDW. It’s even got a coloring page cover, so you or your kid can color it after Thom signs it! He’ll also have other books to sell and sign, like his Love and Capes Graphic Novel Series and other My Little Pony collections. IDW Comics has provided some addition support for this signing, so expect other fun give aways and raffles! It’s well worth bring your kid out to have them meet someone who helps develop one of their favorite properties. (We really will make sure we have some great extra schwag for them for being a part of it. 🙂

Free Comic Book Day 2015 is almost here! Show your support for the event by picking up one of these custom FCBD 2015 Lithographs for only $4!

fcbd 2015That’s it for this week!