Stock up on Action Figures for Easter
It’s too late for mail order! The big boxes stores look like they’ve been ransacked by “Sand People”! (suspiciously accurate blaster marks.) Where can I possibly find an outstanding selection of superhero action figures this late in the game?
Carol and John’s Comic Book Shop to the rescue!
We’ve been stocking up for months and have noticed our efforts paying off, as we’ve quickly become not only a destination for comic books, but one for action figures as well. (What better way to fill up all that empty space in an Easter Basket?)
We can break our action figure inventory down into six categories.
Pop Fun’s!
We specialize in Pop Fun’s that have a comic book related theme to them. (though we break that rule every so often.) Reasonably priced at $10.99 each, a bit more for over sized. This past week saw the releases of Avengers 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy series 2.
Marvel Selects!
Marvel Selects were originally meant to be comic shop only, but after Disney bought Marvel you see them popping up at the Disney Store too. The difference is we keep them on a shelf behind the counter as the packaging breaks easily under the stress of your average Disney Store consumer (I’m not throwing shots, this is just a reality, my daughter loves the Disney Store) We also carry several they can’t, like the Punisher and Sabertooth. These are the Cadillac of Marvel action figures and some are huge. $24.99 each.
Marvel Legends!
These are the standard Marvel Figures you find at stores like Target and Toys-R-Us. While they are decent figures, the good ones tend to get snatched up pretty quickly at big box retailers, leaving the Machine Man figures behind for months. Made by Hasbro, they tend to be cheaper elsewhere, as they cater to the aforementioned stores and our cost is quite high. However, when you find one you like it’s best to grab it, as you’re likely never to see it again. About $22.99 each.
These little two packs are great for the value, running $9.99 each. Again, these were at one point meant to be comic shop only, but they pop up from time to time elsewhere. They really have a very broad licensing range, and you can find sets for things like Walking Dead and Godzilla among others.
DC Direct!
The bread and butter of our DC Action Figures. These truly are comic shop only and we pride our selves on making sure you can always find a figure for every major character. (which is a big deal. Hop in your car blindly and go driving around looking for a Flash figure on day. The outlook can be pretty grim.) DC Direct is a huge line with individual figures and specialty sets. Individual figures run about $24.99 each.
Lastly, here’s a look at another DC Direct specialty, statues of the big three.
DC Direct also has a great line of $79.95 statues, each one crafted after the artwork of an artist made famous for that character. Batman Black and White are all rendered in black and white. Superman Man of Steel all have a metallic sheen to them. Wonder Woman Art of War all show the amazon princess is different warrior poses. They look great in groups as shown in the above picture.
To commemorate this historic email and to give you further incentive to stop in, we’ll be offering an extra 10% off all action figures and statues from Friday April 3rd till Monday April 6th. The real bargain though, is being able to do all your shopping in one location. We even have gift certificates, and have extended the Easter sale into Monday so that kids can come out and spend them post holiday and still get the discount.
We hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend with their family! Happy Easter from the staff of Carol and John’s Comic Book Shop!