New Releases for the week of 7-15-2015
Movies, toys, Secret Wars and board books. This week has it all. Here’s the featured new releases coming out thisWednesday, July 15th, 2015.
The Spotlight
This week is the release of Ant-Man and Marvel is putting out a special stand alone annual for anyone who feels inspired to learn more about the character.
The book features a Hank Pym / Scott Lang team up. We’ve also got a full selection of Ant-Man graphic novels and comics. I’m sure you’ve seen all the regular trailers so here’s the international one:
This week also sees the release of the first volume of the New Suicide Squad Pure Insanity Graphic Novel.
The trailer for the new movie debuted at Comicon last week, and here it is:
Love that Harley! She’s also in the graphic novel along with Will Smith’s Deadshot character. Again, be sure to ask a staff member to point you in the right direction if you’re interested in this stuff. We’ve got over a year till the movie comes out onAugust 5th, 2016.
We might as well use this moment to throw in the Batman Superman Comicon trailer as well. This movie is due out March 25th, 2016.
The Books
Now on to this week’s new Secret Wars titles, starting with the replacement for Captain America’s regular title, HAIL HYDRA #1!
Rick Remender writes this diversion from his regular Cap stuff in a Battlezone where you cut off one limb, and two take it’s place. (Hail Hydra)
Also this week is the Guardians of the Galaxy’s fill in title, Guardians of Knowhere #1
Brain Bendis is still writing as the Guardians are defenders of the only moon in Battleworld, Knowhere from the movie!
Finally, Siege #1, a book that will tell us a bit more about how Battleworld works.
When you screw up in Battleworld you get sent to the SHIELD, to protect the world from Zombies, Robots, and the Annihilation Wave. (I wonder if John Snow is there. Too soon?) Kieron Gillen is writing this one so you sort of know what you’re getting into. (Secret tip this week. Secret Wars Battleworld #3 contained a Deadpool 1872 story, so be sure to check that out too.)
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye run officially ends this week with Hawkeye #22 and the final Rio Bravo finale against the track suits.
If for some unknown reason you never gave Hawkeye a try, go back and pick up the first graphic novel and you’ll be hooked. The new series from Jeff Lemire and Ramon Perez is quite good as well.
The Fun! (Well it’s ALL fun, really)
We’ve also got some new Pop Fun’s coming in this week, including Deadpool’s Chimichanga Truck, Ant-Man, and Doctor Who 10th and 11th Doctors.
These usually go fast, so be sure to be at the shop early Wednesday for the best selection.
Lastly, for the special little future comic collector in you life, we’ve got two new DC Board Books this week, Even Super Heroes Sleep and My First Book of Super Powers.
Only $9.99 each and if it helps put that kid to sleep for real it’ll be worth every penny.
Okay, one more thing. It’s hard not to feel the nostalgia when viewing the Comicon Star Wars Reel. A perfectly composed video that starts to pull the excitement out of us that we’ll get to fully realize in December, along with a few tears as well. Good Job.
I mean, they could have put anyone on that suit, but they put Peter Mayhew in it, and he’s 71 years old. How do you not feel romantic about a thing like that?