New Comic Releases For the Week of 9-30-2015


After almost two years since the first issue, we’ve finally got the final issue of Sandman Overture #6.

Sandman Overature _6AThis issue will be the lead in to the classic Sandman series by Neil Gaiman and will provide new insight into the first graphic novel volume.


Since this is the fifth Wednesday of the month, DC likes to fill it with annual specials, which are sometimes self contained, like Batman Annual #4, or a crucial part of an ongoing story line, like New Suicide Squad Annual #1.

Batman Annual _4Suicide Squad Annual _1Other DC Annuals this week include:

  • Batman Arkham Knight Annual #1
  • Grayson Annual #2
  • and Green Lantern Annual #4.

Also from DC, if you haven’t been reading Justice League, you should back up to issue #41 to read #44 coming out this week. The Great Darkseid War has been a typically fun Geoff Johns big team romp, pitting Darkseid against the Anti Monitor.



Another book that’s been fun and deserving of the hype if Mark Waid and Fiona Staples Archie.

Archie _3Turning Archie comics into more than just for kids, this stuff has and aura of mystery and angst about it that makes it really satisfying to read. Like most classic comics, once you have the arch types embedded in your psych, there’s a lot a goof writer can do with the characters.

That’s it for this week! Get ready for a huge week next week with debut of some of the All New All Different Marvel titles!