Year End and New Releases for 12-30-2015
The results of this years food drive are in!
First off we’d like to thank all the artists who participated. Every minute they worked on their covers led to the overall success of the event. Here’s a gallery of the covers.
Please take a few minutes to check the gallery out. Links to all artists website’s, Instagrams or Facebook pages have been provided with each piece of artwork. Do these guys and gals a solid by checking them out and following them on social media.
Thanks Go Out…
We would also like to thank the Burning River Baking Co and Fear Confections for the amazing treats at the Christmas Party.
Thanks to Jameson Campbell for the design work on this year social media campaign and Lithograph.
A tip of the hat to Jae Fitch of Pop the Comic Culture Club for taking responsibility for the logistics of moving over 1,000 pieces of food. (think about that one for a second.
Thanks to Erin Schechtman Caruso for the beer label designs.
We got a big start to the collection from a donation from the Mandalorian Mercs Rancor Clan, Rebel Legion Apollo Base and Ohio Garrison 501st from an event they worked at Kamm’s Plaza.
Jim at Comic Heaven in Willoughby contributed all sales from his dollar stock for the month of December, which we did as well.
John Woods always makes sure our website is updated and the emails go out like clockwork.
My personal thanks to the ever diligent staff of CNJComics, and to Carol for getting us to our 25th Anniversary this year.
We are only a stage, and it doesn’t work without you, our customer base, showing up and believing in us. So this year, as a community, we helped the Cleveland Food Bank to create 13,068 meals, as well as collecting 1,207 food items.
Both of these totals are up from last years efforts, and they mean nothing without the skills of the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to turn one dollar into four full meals.
This is a smallish week for new comics, so we’ve decided to extend our 50% off back issue sale until the end of the year. We will be open regular hours on New Year’s Eve, and will be closed all of New Year’s Day.
A small week, but that’s not to say their isn’t a healthy stock of new comics coming in including Obi-Wan and Anakin #1
This five issue mini series is set before the Clone Wars and features pop cultures other dynamic duo.
The final issue of Chewbacca is also out this week.
We can’t state enough how fun all of Marvel’s Star Wars titles are. Stop in and talk to an employee for personal recommendations and see how their eyes light up when you mention Star Wars.
We’re also getting in the final volume of the Jessica Jones graphic novels.
If you’re enjoying the Netflix series, the comic is some really fabulous material by Brian Michael Bendis. The entire series is collected in four volumes, and has lots of stuff that strays from the show. (Like Jessica’s date with Ant-Man. Imagine that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.) Be cautioned, the series is a Marvel MAX title, which means adults only.
Be safe over the final days of 2015, thank you for shopping local this year, and we’ll be back in 2016 for year 26. (with stuff like Deadpool, Civil War, Batman Vs Superman, X-Men Apocalypse, Suicide Squad and Doctor Strange to look forward to!)
Happy Holidays!