Carol’s Final Day and other Summer Events
We’re going to lay out a blueprint for this summer’s shop events, including Carol’s final day this Wednesday 7-6-2016!
Five years ago we had a retirement party for mom. At that point Jim began running the day to day of the shop, and Carol started to ease her way out of the business, cutting way back on days. Last fall she successfully handed over the operation and reduced her schedule to one Saturday a month. At 72 years old She’s fully retiring into the world of full time grand-mothering. We’re celebrating her final day at the shop from 7 PM to 9 PM on 7-6-2016. Carol will ceremoniously ring out her last sale at 7:59. We’ve even brewed a special beer for the event, the Ma Hunkel Retirement Ale.
Thank you to for the label artwork.
We’ll also have treats from the Burning River Baking Company, as well as other refreshments. All are welcome.
Stop by and say congrats to mom. She re-invented herself at 46 years old, and being only 43 myself it makes me feel like the shop has quite a few more years ahead of itself.
Speaking of which, here’s a primer to this Summer’s (and Fall’s) events.
July 18th – 21st. The Republican National Convention hits town, and we’ve been working to put together something unifying during our city’s days of turmoil. Stay tuned as we go back to 1980 and announce our choice for President, Captain America.
July 21st – 24th. Our yearly Summer Sale, now officially known as the Purr-ge. We’ll have 50% off all back issues, 10% off everything else, and most importantly, we’ll be bringing out ALL of our excess back issues for only $1.00 each. This is one of only two times we do this each year. (And we’ve bought a lot of collections this year, so get excited. It’s about 60,000 books.)
August 28th. We’ll be celebrating Jack Kirby’s 99th birthday by working with Jack’s granddaughter Jillian Kirby and the Kirby 4 Heroes Initiative.
September 22nd. We’ll be hosting an in store signing from 8PM to 10PM with Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti celebrating Wonder Woman and woman in pop culture, both on the page and at the drawing table. This event in in conjunction with Kent State and the Cleveland Public Libraries Wonder Woman Symposium.
October 29th. Halloween ComicFest. Halloween Comicfest is essentially an smaller free comic book day with a strong cosplay component. CNJComics won an award from Diamond Comics for best event in the country last year. Check out the official website as the books have already been announced!
Nov 5th – 6th Akron Comicon. Our favorite grass roots comicon returns for another year, and we’ll be making a rare comic convention appearance by physically and spiritually.
Time to fill in your day planner! More information to come, and we think you’ll be pretty excited for some of the elements and details we’ve included in these events.
Hope to see you on Wednesday! Ever forward!