Holiday Art Show for the Cleveland Food Bank

This year our Christmas Party will be held on Saturday December 17th. Over the past 3 years we’ve tied this event to an art show showcasing Cleveland’s finest established and up and coming artists to benefit the Cleveland Food Bank.


This is your chance to be a part of a fund raising effort connecting our customer base to the local art scene under the friendly banner of the comic book.

Stop by the shop anytime and we’ll let you pick out a couple blank comic book covers to use for your submission. These covers are card stock and hold many different mediums well. They start off looking like this…

star-wars-blank…and turn out like this…

craigby Craig Worrell

img_9425by Amalia DeGirolamo 

We have many different logo’s to choose from, and some that are completely blank if you’d like to start from scratch.

This year’s theme is “A Reflection on 2016, the Worst Year Ever?” There’s been quite a bit of talk about how 2016 has been the worst year ever. This is your chance to vent your angst through artistic expression. It’s also a way to celebrate anything that you may have loved about 2016. (All in all, Cleveland had a pretty good run this year.)

Make sure to include your favorite comic book character(s), add a little social commentary in there, and try to stay on the front cover of the book. (For display purposes.) Everyone’s welcome to submit up to two books, though we’d always rather see one great one as opposed to two you only feel so-so about.

Sad about the loss of Prince, David Bowie, or Alan Rickman? Think Harambe got a bum deal? Upset over the current political climate? Have some therapeutic artistic time with those emotions so we can hang them on our wall and raise money for those in need during the holidays. (please no profanity or nudity, no matter how appropriate it may be.)


Let’s face it, 2016 was filled with miserable events, but this can also be a time to celebrate what you loved about this past year, like the Cavs, Cleveland’s behavior during the RNC or Wonder Woman being named a UN ambassador.

(I’m not sure which side of the coin the Indians near win is on.)

Go in the direction your heart takes you!

Submissions are due on Thursday, December 15th, and will be displayed all day on the 17th, culminating at our Christmas Party from 8pm to 11pm. These covers can be won through a basket raffle system where one food item or one dollar can get you a ticket. Last year we collected over 1,200 food items and enough money to help the Cleveland Food Bank to create over 12,000 meals. (No joke.) We do this through the support of three of Cleveland’s finest organizations, Pop the Comic Culture Club, the Cleveland Drink and Draw Social Club, and Dr Sketchy Cleveland. (along with quite a bit of help from the Rust Belt Monster Collective)

This is your chance to turn your talent into food for the needy during the holidays. Do what you’re great at, and we’ll make sure that effort turns into a part of the greater whole that makes this a pretty awesome town.

We also photograph and display all the covers in an online gallery for all to see, linked to your name and URL. So be sure to write your name and the URL you want associated with you on the inside front page of the book.

Here’s the links to our previous year’s galleries:

2015  –  2014  –  2013

Thanks to everyone for the support! We’ve had a great year and we’ve going to put together an amazing Christmas Party open to everyone and for all to enjoy!