New Releases for 5-24-2017

Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, May 24th, as well as some other things to keep an eye out for.


With the announcement this week that Tom Hardy will play Venom, this week’s big new book is Venom #150, a giant sized issue featuring the return of Eddie Brock as Venom!

Marvel’s also rounded up some of Venom’s classic writers and artists to fill up the pages. (Two characters that always sell in the shop are Venom and Thanos.)

If you’re enjoying the Guardians Movie, Groot’s new title starts this week with Baby Groot and a Teen Plus rating! (Marvel says they’re going to push the envelope on this one.)

The second issue of the new All New Guardians of the Galaxy is out as well, where you can learn a little more about the Collector and the Grandmaster before the release of Thor Ragnarok.


Secret Empire is awesome! We understand event fatigue since we get it too, but there’s not a single staff member who doesn’t give it a big and enthusiastic thumbs up. You don’t have to branch off from the main book, but this week we’ve got Captain America Steve Rogers #17 if you’d like to read a little extra. Ask a staff member if you need help catching up on the storyline! We love it!

We recently had the BlackGirl in the CLE girls in the shop to check out some of our comics with black female protagonists. They just put up a blog on what they read, and here it is:

A new issue of Moon Girl comes out this week, but if you’d like to try this book for free just ask. We’ve got a reprint of the first three issues to offer anyone that’s interested. Just ask at the counter!

We’ve also noticed a lot of people tuning into both the X-Men Blue and Gold titles. They’ve lightened the tone of the books and made them more accessible, and it’s working. (Anything that dips into 90’s culture really works well right now.)

A new issue of X-Men Blue comes out this week so flip through it to see if it’s for you!

In other news, we’ve put up two galleries on Facebook full of photo’s from both the day and night free comic book day events. Check them out here:

Free Comic Book Day 2017 Night Event

Free Comic Book Day 2017 Day and Night Event

Feel free to tag anyone you know in the photo’s so they know they’re out there!

We’ve also got a link to The Panel Scanners and the Podcasts they created on FCBD night.

We’ve still got a whole FCBD thank you email coming, which we’ll put out when Jameson wraps up the post event videos.


Rick and Morty? How about Rick and Winston?! Get ready for the Rickmobile to visit our shop on Tuesday, May 30th from 5pm to 8pm.

This will be the only stop in Ohio, and in true CNJComics fashion we’re got a lot going on that you can check out here

Just don’t give the Meeseeks any impossible tasks.


Need something awesome for your kids to do this summer? We’ll be assisting BAYarts with their Superhero Boot Camp again this year. Expect to see a couple of our regular artists teaching there as well.

From June 26th to June 28th, and it all ends with an obstacle course we’ve put together. Here’s a gallery to the course the last time we did it.

BAYarts Superhero Boot Camp 2015

Check it out and sign up here. 

Okay! That’s it for this week!