New Releases for 6-14-2017
Summer is right around the corner and this week is a pretty good look into all the cool stuff that’s to come.
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo will be reuniting this summer with a big Justice League event and Batman is right in the middle of it, Dark Knights: Metal. This week one of two prequels is coming out that will be setting up that story.
Dark Days: The Forge is written by Scott Snyder with art by Jim Lee, Andy Kubert and John Romita Jr. A Dark Multiverse is threatening Earth, and it just might be Batman’s fault.
When we think about the epic nature of Snyder’s run on Batman we can’t help but get excited about his take on the whole League.
You don’t have to wait till August 18th to get a look at the new Defenders on Netflix. The first issue of Marvel’s new ongoing series starts now. Since Brian Bendis created Jessica Jones and also gave us one of the greatest Daredevil runs ever, he was the perfect choice is helm this new project. Art will be provided by Davis Marquez, who’s worked with Bendis in the past on Ultimate Spider-Man. I can’t wait to see their rendition of Power-Man and Iron Fist.
Marvel’s due for a facelift, and it looks like that’s going to start with the current Secret Empire series. Event fatigue is real, but we’re all really enjoying this one in the shop. It looks like it will feed directly into Generations in the fall, where we get our classic heroes back, along with their new counterparts as well. One of the things that DC does better than Marvel is handling the lineage of their characters, from the Golden Age to the Silver to the present. I was selected to get a sneak peek into what’s to come by Marvel’s editorial staff, and it looks like Marvel finally going to figure out how to catch up in this regard. But for now, Secret Empire #4 is out!
Another highlight of this week was the premiere of the Black Panther teaser trailer.
T’Challa has a surprisingly great graphic novel selection, and we’re here to give you a few good recommendations.
Who Is Black Panther? is a great introduction to Wakanda, Klaw, and pretty much every aspect of the character by screen writer Reginald Hudlin. (He did Eddie Murphy movies and House Party.) Top it off with art by John Romita Jr. and you’re ready to go.
BP’s longest run was by Christopher Priest, and it was also my favorite. The first of the four volumes is a highlight, and introduces us to Everett Ross and fleshes out the Dora Milage. Great political satire, and we finally find out why the King of a country bothered to join the Avengers in the first place. Great stuff.
The Black Panther Epic Collection Volume One features T’Challa’s earliest appearances, including his first in Fantastic Four #52-53 by Lee and Kirby. It’s also got the legendary run by Don McGregor, which was created in the early 70’s and features an abundance of Blaxploitation.
The Black Panther Marvel Masterwork Volume Two is a trip of it’s own, as Jack Kirby returned to Marvel Comics in 1977 and jumped right back into the character he co created. Like all Jack’s stuff in the 70’s, prepare to have your mind expanded a bit. Don’t worry about the Volume Two designation, it’s the proper starting point for the Kirby stuff.
I’m going to level with you here, I haven’t read all the Ta-Nehisi Coates stuff, but I hear it’s good. Check this out!
Okay, that should get you through until next week! Oh yeah, I’m almost too excited about Spider-Man Homecoming. Less than a month away. (!)
I seriously couldn’t stand Andrew Garfield. Seriously.