Featured New Releases for 2-14-2018 and Winston World 2018
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, February 14th, 2018.
As we wait for the final issue of Dark Nights Metal in March, we’ve got this awesome one shot to tide us over.
Dark Knights Rising The Wild Hunt adds Grant Morrison to the list of Metal creators. This book was added to the slate when he said he’d like to do a story. Co-written by Scott Snyder.
So, once the initial hype subsided, Marvel Legacy left us with a solid handful of really great titles, three of which come out this week.
Doctor Strange #385 by Donny Cates is a must read, with a down on his luck Strange working as a veterinarian and coping with the reality of the new Sorcerer Supreme, Loki. Strange works behind the scenes to keep Loki from screwing up, and as always we’re not quite sure of Loki’s intentions for his mantle. Shop favorite, as any employee to talk you into buying the first three parts, which we have in reprint.
Captain America #698 by Waid and Samnee is the first part of “Out of Time”, which will culminate in the 700th anniversary issue. Cap’s frozen again, and this time wakes up in the future. My favorite new Marvel title, perfect Cap stuff. Samnee is one of the best artists out there. Issues #700 is something to look out for, as Mark Waid is using old Kirby artwork from all over to create a new story.
Marvel Two In One #3 is what the Marvel Universe has been missing for some time now. It’s not quite the full Fantastic Four, but you definitely get the feeling that they’re building something here that will matter, and Johnny and Ben’s dialogue was sorely missed. Jim Cheung has been replaced by Valerio Schiti, but who cares? A good story is a good story.
We’ve got another DC New Age of Heroes #1 with Sideways this week. These new titles are art centric, have a great $2.99 price point and crazy fold out covers. Kenneth Rocafort’s art really delivers too!
This week Kick-Ass returns to comics, albeit with a new person behind the mask. The original creative team of Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr is still intact though. All the old graphic novels will be re issued this week, and look for a new Hit-Girl book next week!
Winston World 2018 is coming to coincide with Wizard World Cleveland on March 2nd – 4th.
Winston World is simple, and there’s no admission or parking fee.
- 50% off all back issues
- 10% off everything else in the shop. (Yes, EVERYTHING.)
- We’ll also have the above image available as a sticker as always.
We sure hope Stan Lee shows up, but if he cancels Winston will go down town to sign some paw-to-graphs!
Last, John and Jim will be out of the shop next week for the yearly ComicsPro Meeting.
This is where we make all the contacts that help us create fantastic events for you year round. It’s also timed to coincide with the Image Comics Expo. Here’s some info from the ever-dramatic Bleeding Cool! We’ll be in Portland, so we’ll absolutely find some time to drink a few beers as well. We’re even giving a lecture on marketing and social media excellence. Yune in to our Facebook feed and we’ll post important information as it is released.
Thanks all! Be nice to Ben, Jason, Josh and John Shearer while we’re gone.