Independent Comics Day at CNJComics 3-24-2018

Just a reminder that this Saturday we’ll be hosting an “Independent Comics Day” in the shop!

Why? because March is a pretty dull month except for the big green drunk thing. 

All day on March 24th we’ll have:

  • 20% off all Small Press Graphic Novels and Hardcovers
  • 50% off all Small Press Back Issues

We’ve also put together 20 boxes of independent back issues that will be only 50 cents each. These books are in order by letter, i.e. all the A’s are together, all the B’s are together etc. 

Lots of these books have never been looked through before, so dig away!

We’ve also got some free stuff to give away to help you explore the world of comics outside the big two. Stuff like suggested reading guides for Image and IDW, some free preview issues, and we’ve even got a box of old Free Comics Book Day books that everyone can pull some free books out of. 

We love superhero comics here more than anyone, but we also like a well spun independent comic as well. 

To get ready for Easter shopping, we’ve also got a big reorder of Pop Funs and Action Figures coming in next week. We try to specialize in stuff you can’t get in big box stores, like Marvel Selects and DC Direct stuff. We also curate out Pop Fun’s so that fits the category of superhero. 

That’s it! Hope to see you Saturday to stock up on some good reads!