Free Comic Book Day Last Minute Updates
Hey everyone, just some last minute updates on this year’s Free Comic Book Day.

- Working Class Brewery in the plaza has donated a keg of their Imperial Wit, and they will also be open late Friday Night in case you need a place to chill and have a beer away from the madness. They’re also having Star Wars trivia earlier in the evening for May the 4th! Check them out here.
- We also received two cases of tea beer from Wild Ohio Brewing! They are gluten free and made without barley. We’ve got lots of different flavors to check out. Read up about them here.
We’ll also have a bunch of cool groups in the crowd that night, including a crew promoting their new Superman documentary, Secret Identity. The Nerdy Dancers of CLE will be out there with a few performances. Drone2you will be providing some overhead coverage of the event. We’ll have Heather Linn out there taking event photos. The Ghostbusters: Cleveland will also have there Ecto-1 out there as well. Be sure to explore the line as well as the event!
We’ve also built a 10:1 scale Funko Pop Box for photo ops. It turned out way funnier than I originally envisioned.
The best way to get a good photo in it is to sit on a stool and really use up the space in there. Have the photographer take a knee while taking the shot as well. I learned alot building it and we’ll have a 2.0 coming for the summer at a 8:1 scale with art on all sides. Please be care getting in and out of the box and enjoy! As always please tag those pictures with #CNJCOMICS so we can see them the next day!
Thanks to Kristen and Sean Burns, because the art show turned out great! I’ve really read up on Steranko’s history and this year’s show really hits all the marks on his career. Really fun stuff. I was even inspired to do a piece this year after Jim’s legendary story about the gun in the holster edit.
Here’s another piece by Jake Kelly, paying homage to Steranko’s beefcake faze as well as out shop lump Winston.
There are a few minor changes to the artist line ups for sketching. For Friday night Dave Wendt is out and Greg Golem is in. For both shifts Saturday Dave Wendt is out and Greg Golen and Jake Kelly are in. Dave Wendt is a Doctor and had to take his re-certification boards this week and time got away from him. He passed though! Good thing, he’s Carol’s physician.
Okay everyone, that is it! Load up on that flair and get ready to see the best this city has to offer!
Show up and be awesome!
As always, Engage others – Participate – Be a Friend