Featured New Releases for 6-20-18
Here’s some featured new releases and some pretty cool announcements for this summer!
Love is in the air, as wedding fever hits both of the big two this summer.
This week in X-Men Gold #30 is the long awaited wedding of Colossus and Kitty Pryde, but it may not go as exactly as planned.
Stay off the internet to avoid spoilers before you read this book. It’s a really great read for old X-Men fans who would just like to pick up and enjoy a single issue.
At DC, we’ve got the second and final part of “The Best Man” leading up to the Wedding of Batman and Catwoman in issue #50. This is a really satisfying issue with lots of dialogue between the Joker and Selina.
Please be advised that we will be having an early release event for Batman #50 on Tuesday July 3rd at 11:59 pm. There will also be a new Catwoman #1 written and drawn by Joelle Jones, as well as the new Captain America #1 by Ta Nehisi Coates coming out that day. We are aloud to sell all new comics coming out that week at the midnight event. We know people may have their July 4th planned out, so this is a chance to get your books out of the way early!
Tony Stark Iron Man #1 by Dan Slott comes out this week.
Slott did a great job on Amazing Spider-Man #800 and he’s a good choice to take over Iron Man. He’s kind of a modern writer with a very classic feel to his work, if that makes sense. ASM #801 comes out this week as well, and it’s the final issue of the series, wrapping up some loose ends from #800. Dan Slott will also be writing the Fantastic Four when it returns in August.
You’ve heard us talk and talk about Donny Cates work on Doctor Strange, well if you haven’t hopped on board yet you can pick up the collection of his first run this week.
Stephen is down on his luck and Loki is the new Sorcerer Supreme. Give it a shot! Next week we’ll have the graphic novel collecting his first work on Thanos too.
We’re also getting in these great new figures from DC from their Artists Alley line. Featuring the art of Chris Uminga and only $40 each, these PVC statues are 6.6″ tall and feature Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. More to come!
We have a pretty great announcement to make. We’ll be hosting our annual “Not-At-Comicon” sale this year (to coincide with San Diego Comicon) from July 19th to the 22nd.
This sale features
- 50% off all back issues
- 20% off all statues and action figures
- 10% off all graphic novels and hardcovers
This is also one of only two times out of the year that we get to pull all the comics out of our storage unit and sell them for $1 each. (50 or more and they’re only 50 cents each)
The fun addition to this year is that on Sunday the 22nd we’ll also be hosting our first annual swap meet in conjunction with the North East Ohio Toy and Collectible Club! From 1pm to 4pm in the space we use for Free Comic Book Day, (1,000 feet from the shop) we’ll be hosting over 40 members who will be bringing out toys and a few comics to sell. (Mostly toys.) Tables for this event sold out in only 45 minutes! This is not a convention, it is a swap meet for people to clear stuff out of their collection at really great prices. (I’m even going to have a table with my dad.)
It’s a highly social event too, as NEO-TACC has regular monthly meet ups. If you have stuff you’d like to sell or trade, bring it. You’d have to carry it around but you might find yourself a buyer.
We’ve always wanted to host a swap meet and if the format works we’ll be doing it again in the future.
After the event we’ll be hosting an after party at Working Class Brewery in the plaza from 4pm to 6pm. They’ll even have a special NEO-TACC beer on tap for the event. We’re working on the Kamm’s Corner Ice Cream Company joining in as well.
I mean, if you’re not in San Diego that weekend, what else do you have to do? Stop by and meet some excellent people!
We will also be attending Youngtown Comic Con this year. (I’ll be driving out to Pittsburgh to pick up Steranko for the event.) It’s on July 7th and 8th and the creators of the original Secret Wars will all be there too!
Ben will be taking over the email and social media next week as I’m going on our first family vacation to Disney World, which I’ve been planing out for about a year now. Never been, totally excited, and I know two little girls who are going to be pretty excited as well. Thanks for your support and for making this trip a possibility by choosing to shop local and being a loyal customer!