Featured New Releases for 6-27-18

Hey there Comic Shoppers!

Ben here to rep this week’s new comic releases! Yay! Before we get into the new releases for 6/27/18 let’s get you notified about some really exciting upcoming events, shall we?

The Not-at-Comic-Con Sale and Swap Meet / NEOTACC Team-Up – July 19-22nd

This is probably the most excited I’ve been since Free Comic Book Day! Our annual Summer Sale will go on as spectacularly as it always does with sales on back issues, new comics, merchandise, graphic novels, and the huge selection of back stock that we’ll have set up in the extra room (thanks in advance H&R Block).

BUT! This year, as a great cap off to the sale, on Sunday, July 22nd we will be teaming up with The North East Ohio Toy and Collectible Club (NEOTACC) for our first official swap meet! Everyone there will be wheeling and dealing and excited to talk toys and comics. These guys are a great and fast growing Facebook community and they love telling you about their membership and events. You’ll hear a lot more about this later. Feel free ask at the shop now for a flyer as a reminder.

Midnight Release!

Batman’s Wedding (Batman #50)- 7/4/18

That’s right! July 4th is a Wednesday and it’s going to be a BIG one. Batman and Catwoman’s wedding is taking place in Batman #50 and the Joker has some serious opinions on the matter. DC has made it possible for us to have a midnight release of the issue so feel free to join us at 11:59 on the night of Tuesday, July  3rd. Get here early enough to have first shot at the five covers we will have available for the book (including the Jim Lee 1 in 100 copy Pencil Sketch Variant).

Keep your bat-ears perked for more information to come about this wonderful little celebration!


New Releases for the Week of 6-27-18

The Bat and the Cats’ nuptials are right around the corner and that means there is a new chapter in the Wedding Prelude One-Shots that have been leading up to it. Batman Prelude to the Wedding: Harley vs The Joker gives Harley the spotlight as she defends her gal pals big day from wild disruptions from the dysfunctional relationship she is so familiar with. This book will no doubt be entertaining and I bet we’ll get to see her get a few licks in with that ridiculous hammer too.

Robin, Kid Flash, and Red Arrow have been Teen Titans for years but in this week’s Teen Titans Special #1 they are fed up with the way things have been and the way they’ve been treated. DC is keeping the details of this one pretty well under wraps but they promise a serious turning point in Teen Titans history!

I won’t talk your ear off about this but it’s my email and I’ll do what I want. 

Kill or Be Killed by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips is one of the best series Image has put out over the last 10 years. Its narrative style is second to none. Its last issue drops on Wednesday and we have everything in the store to catch you up. Seriously. So Good.

Marvel has a lot of really good reading opportunities for you this week. I’ll Highlight two of them.

Multiple Man #1 comes out on Wednesday!
Multiple Man #1 comes out on Wednesday!
Multiple Man #1 comes out on Wednesday!
(get it?)

A great indie creator, Matthew Rosenberg, has been given a unique opportunity to take on, uh, some peoples’ favorite…X-Man? Based on his work on the quirky Black Mask series 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank, this five issue mini-series promises a bit of weird, a dash of confusion, plenty of entertainment, and, most assuredly, a great ending payoff.

Finally. The coup-de-grace:

The Thanos story-arc by Donny Cates is being collected in the Thanos Wins TP this week. It’s a bargain price $19.99 for 7 issues and an oversized annual. If the bargain price didn’t sell you on the Mad Titan then take it from all of us at the shop. It is absolutely one of the coolest, most hard-hitting, “oh heck” saying, things any of us at the shop has ever read. I collected the issues and I’m still going to get the paperback and I’ve never given a hoot about Thanos. Do yourself a favor.

That wraps up the cool and the new for this week. As always keep in touch and we will keep you informed. It’s a great time to be a comic fan!

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