New Releases and FCBD Updates for 4-24-2019

Alright, we’re all getting ready for Free Comic book Day 2019, but here’s a quick email with some updates, new releases and info. Expect the final FCBD email next week. For now you can check all the information we have right Here!
The big news is that we bought a pretty major collection, mostly 50’s and 60’s Batman and Superman DC’s. This includes associated titles like Detective, Action, Adventure, Superboy, World’s Finest, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olson. There’s also lots of other fun stuff like Showcases, Justice Leagues, and lots more.

There were also a handful of Marvel’s like the Fantastic Four, Strange Tales, Tales of Suspense and others.

Sorry for the shiney pictures, again, we have lots to do here.
We have processed most of the keys and these books are ready to be looked at. About two long boxes are out, and we hope to have three more ready by Free Comic Book Day. These books will not be 50% that weekend, but they will be the standard 25% off, and they’re actually 25% off right now. I’ve had a lot of fun processing them and fine tuning my grading. For the first time ever I brought someone in for a second opinion and I was with .5 of all their grading, so we’re right on target.
This is really exciting stuff for us to have, so if you’re a collector and were thinking about traveling to Cleveland from a distance it’ll be worth it.
Second, we will have the FCBD John Constantine Pop Funs for sale right at 10 pm when the event starts on May the 3rd. We’ve got 35 so they are limited. Getting them has been tough in the past, so just be ready by the glass cases if you want to buy one.

The beer labels are up and ready, thanks to Kelsey Lynn Cretcher for the art this year!
Wolverine’s Canadian Ale is made with Cascade, Willamette and Centennial hops and is inspired by the classic Canadian Ale.

Cyclop’s Weak Summer Pilsner is feeble and inept just like it’s namesake, but hey, some people like him. Hallertau and Tettnang hops in that one.

In all seriousness, there’s a lot of Wolverine/Cyclops humor going in this year’s theme, and it’s just that, comedy. A lot of people get caught up in characters they like and start to attribute attacks to the character as attacks on them. This is not so. We are a classic comic book shop at heart and we are allowed to have opinions on what we like and do not like. I like Wolverine over Cyclops, and I can skillfully defend my point against debaters using comic book history. I’m also happy to have that debate. That does not mean I get to personally attack people who do like Cyclops, but it’s fun ct to talk about heatedly. Remember, an attack on a character is not an attack on you. Treat real people with respect.
On that note, to show respect for fans of the terrorist, Cyclops, if you tip at the bar you’ll get to pick out a free Cyclops/Jean Grey centered comic book.

If you don’t tip at the bar, you’ve kind of muted the value of your opinion anyway. At least in this town. Always tip on a free drink. Bartenders live of tips, and Macklin is the best.
This year from Wednesday April 24th to Tuesday April 30th, you will receive a raffle slip for every full price graphic novel that you buy during that time period. The winner of this raffle will win a VIP package for themselves and the friend of their choice which includes:
- A set of all 50 FCBD books
- Early access to the night event an hour ahead of time at 9pm. (you don’t have to wait in line!)
- First taste of this year’s FCBD beers. (For those over 21)
- A set of five graphic novels.
- A coupon for 25% off any one purchase at the shop.
- Lithograph Signed by Jameson Campbell.
- DC Year of the Villains Cover signed by Erin Schectman Caruso.
- VIP Lanyard
The only thing more fun than winning is getting to call up a friend and let them know they won as well. All you have to do is buy a graphic novel that you were likely going to buy anyway! Winners will be pulled at 8pm on Tuesday night and announced on Facebook. You do not have to be present to win!
Some quick shout outs to new releases this week.
There’s a new Thanos mini series telling the history behind him raising Gamora.

Six issues written by Tini Howard with art by Ariel Olivetti.
Can’t wait to see Disney’s New Star Wars set up at Hollywood Studios? Get a sneak peak this week with the New Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Comic!

Get a look at at the history of the Black Spire Outpost in this five issue mini series with Han Solo and Chewbacca!
Immortal Hulk is an incredible book, and this week we have reprints of issues 8.9,10,11,12, and 16. All well worth a look!

And lastly, have fun this weekend, enjoy the movie, and let’s go get them team…
Avengers Assemble!