Featured New Releases for 6-19-2019
With apologies from the humble webmaster of this site and store, this message is coming out later than intended. Following is the most excellent newsletter put together by your buddy and mine, Ben! Read on, enjoy, and see you all in store (and again, sorry!)…. Take it Away Ben!
Featured New Releases for 6-19-2019
The Big Boss is away on vacation for the week. Knocking his last state off his lifetime list of visiting the good ol’ U S of A. Make sure to greet him with “Aloha” when he hits the mainland again next week.
Until then you’ve got this email guest appearance from your favorite, candidly photo-ed, Friendly Neighborhood Comic Shop Employee, Ben. In the house! Let’s get to the exciting stuff shall we?
NEOTACC – CnJ Comics Swap Meet #2
Sunday July 21st 12 pm – 4 pm
Just like last year, connected to our Winston World / Not at ComiCon / Summer Sale, we will be teaming up with the larger than life dudes from NEOTACC (NorthEast Ohio Toys and Collectibles Club…you know who they are) to put on another wildly successful swap meet.

I love that picture mashup. Anyway. Tables are still available for reserve if you want to sell some stuff (probably only for the next 5 minutes. They all went SUPER fast last year). But this event is completely open to the public. Its like the yard sale of your dreams if you are hunting for nerdy pop culture treasures. Its a great end cap to our weekend long sale and a great alternative for geek culture if you can’t make it to San Diego for ComiCon that weekend. Speaking of which…
Winston World / Not-at-ComiCon Summer Sale
Thursday July 18th – Sunday July 21st
On that weekend that some special folks travel to the West Coast for the big event we make sure there is plenty going on in jolly ol’ Cleveland. We will have upcoming announcements about the specific sales that weekend but keep your calendar open. Everything in the store will be discounted. It’s a great opportunity to corner your favorite comic shop expert and insist they tell you what you should be reading that you haven’t gotten to yet. We read a bunch of stuff, so trust us, we know what we are talking about.

Ok. Onto the main event.
Here are the featured new titles for Wednesday June 19th 2019
Frank Miller is at it again! He is going to redefine the origin of the Man of Steel himself!

Any comic fan knows that it has been difficult to consistently go to bat for Mr. Miller, but if Superman: Year One fulfills even half of the promises made by Batman: Year One we are in for a serious treat. John Romita Jr’s art for our native son, Superman, has always been electric (See Superman Men of Tomorrow).
I read a blurb about a part in issue #1 of Year One where they show baby Kal’s journey from Krypton in his rocket from the first person. I’m a little more than jazzed to see what happens from there.(

We will have 2 covers available for issue #1. The main cover by Romita and the B cover by Miller himself.
DC’s Year of the Villain is off to a great start since its FCBD debut.

Justice League #26 will continue the
prologue of this status quo with more info about Lex Luthor’s “offer.” All of
this is coming together in a way that promises to be EXPLOSIVE. The citizens of
the world are having a hard time finding reasons to trust their heroes, maybe
it’s time to put their faith in the hands of a darker cabal?
On to the portion of the show for all of us Marvel Zombies.

Donny Cates has been killing it lately. This is not up for debate. Silver Surfer: Black #1 last week was spectacular (2nd prints available this week in case you missed it) and coming up with Guardians of the Galaxy #6 he is concluding his first story arc, in which every galactic hero was thrown into a black hole like matchsticks in the wind, Gamora was “killed” by the Anti-Guardians, Thanos was reborn!…maybe! What’s left to happen? I’m in the void at the moment but i can’t wait to find out.

Speaking of great writing. All of Chip Zdarsky’s Marvel work will have a lasting effect for years. Just great storytelling. Take a look at ANY of his issues of Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man or Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. He just started a new story arc in Daredevil and it promises more of the same greatness. Check out Daredevil #7 this week to get caught up…That pesky Kingpin.
Okay. And would it really be a Ben kind-of post if I didn’t mention Deadpool in some capacity?
No. Of course not. Luckily Deadpool #14 is coming out this week so they made it easy for me.

Even during a full blown War of the Realms (see any issue of Jason Aaron’s Thor run…seriously do it! So much Giant-Demon-Fire-Golbin-Minotaur fighting. It’s incredible) the rest of the worlds heroes try and distance themselves from the Merc with a Mouth as much as possible. So last issue Deadpool was air dropped into Australia to deal with Ullic and his troll army.

So far he is doing… an okay job. This issue promises to go full Mad Max! Look at that cover! I can’t wait to see him tear it up on thousands of trolls. Especially alongside a new Australian hero named Nancy the Nuke. What could go wrong…or right?
Everyone should be excited by IDW’s acquisition of the historical comic staple Usagi Yojimbo!

A ronin rabbit adventuring through Edo Japan? Yes please. The material for this character has always been fantastic. Always overseen by comic legend Stan Sakai, he wrote, drew, and lettered the beginning of this series. That’s quite a feat! Check out issue #1 on Wednesday.
There are plenty of amazing stories being woven outside of the big two companies’ grasp. Here are two that I have really been enjoying.

Garth Ennis is telling some kind of story here. Walk Through Hell is part FBI investigation and part Susperia level mind wrinkle. I have been avidly reading it since issue #1 and the direction it is heading in still boggles my mind. It’s a great head trip. The first story arc is collected in a paperback. Be warned. You will have no idea what’s happening until it happens in the best way possible. Don’t go into any unknown portside warehouses anytime soon.

Boom Studios seems to have written Matt Kindt a creative blank check. He’s building a really fun universe. In Black Badge the clandestine workings of governments are executed by the Boy Scout troops of the world. “Prison riot down the road? Huh? We were just camping.” “Dam explosion that destabilized a small government? Nope we were just roasting weenies.” It’s an amazing concept and, again, the first story arc is collected for your reading pleasure.
See. I told you we were good at all of those off-the-wall recommendations.
That’s it for this week’s update True Believers! Thank you for bearing with my wordy-wordy-ness! If we don’t see you in the shop this week then we’ll see you in July for the Summer Sale and Swap Meet!
-Signing off
Benjamin J. Joines-Mundy