Featured New Releases for 6-26-2019
I’m back from vacation! Kauai is amazing! I never got to do this week’s Facebook posts but here’s a quick round up of this week’s highlights!
Marvel Titles
It’s a great week if you’re a fan of Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham! Marvel dropped the ball when Into the Spider-Verse came out by not having anything really in print. This week we have three new items, a new one shot special, a $1.00 reprint of his classic first issue, and a huge graphic novel of classic material.
Everything about the Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham one shot is hilarious, from the main story to the back up. It feels classic and modern at the same time. Plus, he has drinks with Howard the Duck! Stand alone story too! No baggage!

Spider-Ham first appeared in 1983, and he can read his first appearance for only $1.00! Captain Americat too!

There’s also the first volume of the Complete Peter Porker, in case you want to branch off past that first issue.

For you classic Wolverine fans, we’ve got a one-shot for you, Wolverine Exit Wounds!

Three brand new stories by Chris Claremont, Larry Hama, and one written and drawn by SAM KEITH! These are the people who made Wolverine into WOLVERINE!
This week also wraps of The War of the Realms, and it was a fun summer read. We’ve got all the issues in stock in case you’ve been waiting. Thor has his final showdown with a Venom bonded Malekith!

DC Titles
This week is also the final issue of Batman Damned, DC’s first Black Label mini-series.

100% less wiener in this one but it’s a beautiful book. We’ve also still got copies of Frank Miller’s Superman Year One in stock from last week. I’ve finally read it and he did a great job. (Way to go Frank Miller! You kept your crazy under control.)
If you’re looking to keep up on the Year of the Villain stuff at DC, hop on to Action with issue #1012. Written by Bendis and branching right out of Leviathan.

DC Ink has a new tween title with the Teen Titans Raven Original Graphic Novel.

Written by New York Times best selling writer Kami Garcia!
“Small” Press
Another only in comics moment as the Ghostbusters team up with the Transformers, crossing the streams after 35 years!

The countdown to what looks to be a pretty big deal begins in Spawn #298, which even boasts a McFarlane homage cover to another famous #298. (and to himself for that matter)

The story starts here but we’ve got reprints to the previous #297 since it sold out right away after the announcements about #300’s content.
Not-At-Comicon and NEOTACC
Another Shout out to our ‘NOT-AT- COMCON’ sale going on from Thursday July 18th till Sunday July 21st. This is one of two times we get to bring out all the comics from our storage unit for only $1.00 each, and we’ve been working frantically to get them in order!
It will culminate on Sunday July 21st with our second annual swap meet with the North East Ohio Toy and Collectible Club! (NEO-TACC!)
Last year was super fun and this year will be even bigger. We’re branching off into the parking lot too, and will have a few local art vendors as well!