Featured New Releases for 6-5-2019
We’ve got some fun selections across the board this week!
Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, June 5th, 2019!
Marvel’s leading the pack with the return of a classic creative team on the Incredible Hulk Last Call One Shot.

Writer Peter David and artist DALE KEOWN return for a $4.99 special! Dale is one of the greatest modern Hulk artists, and pulling him out of retirement is a really big deal.
“Bruce Banner is tired of being the Hulk. Heck, he’s tired of being. But just when he’s about to lose all hope, a miracle occurs: a fight worthy of the Incredible Hulk.”
Marvel also has the new ongoing Black Cat series this week, with covers by J Scott Campbell and Artgerm, both at cover price.

There’s a few ratio variants as well for the speculator crowd.
Felicia Hardy stands to hold a place in the new Spider cinematic universe, so this is a good way to get yourself introduced to her.
Also for fun, and a long time coming, is the Marvel Art of Skottie Young Hardcover.

$50 price tag but again everyone’s been waiting years for this one.
DC Picks
Grant Morrison has a pretty good thing going with Green Lantern lately, and we’re excited to see his take on the Hard Traveling Heroes mythos in Green Lantern #8.

Green Arrow guest stars in this homage to Green Lantern / Green Arrow #85 with “Space Junkies.”
A lot of books are converging on this year’s “Year of the Villains” story, and that includes the oversized Justice League #25.

The end of “The Sixth Dimension” but the beginning of Luthor’s “Offer” which will play a big part in next month’s books. You should also be reading the Batman Who Laughs Mini Series, as well as Action Comics and last weeks Superman Leviathan special.
We’ll gladly give you a free copy of the FCBD Year of the Villains special, which leads into the story as well, just ask.
We’ve been hand-selling Image’s new ‘Die” book by Kieron Gillen, and now we can push the first graphic novel.

“DIE is a pitch-black fantasy where a group of forty-something adults have to deal with the returning, unearthly horror they only just survived as teenage role-players. If KIERON’s in a rush, he describes it as “Goth Jumanji”, but that’s only the tip of this critically acclaimed obsidian iceberg.” Really, the best new title Image has produced in awhile, and a perfect book to complement the DnD revival that’s going on.
This is also a big week for Walking Dead, as it looks like Rick will die in this issue from wounds sustained last month.

Last month’s #191 sold out instantly when word got out, so we ordered up on #192. (We also have second prints of 191 in.) Robert Kirkman used to say the book would end when Rick died but I guess that’s an outdated statement.
Kids and Summer Events
For kids, we’ve got a pretty important book this week, Minecraft gets it’s first comic book ever in the form of a $9.99 original graphic novel.

I don’t get Minecraft, but I know it’s all my kids do, along with Roblox.
A little heads up on some of this summer’s events.
First up we’ll be headed out to Youngstown Comic Con on July 6th and 7th to see Steranko, Jason Mewes and sell some comics. What a weird world to put them both in the same room.

If you see me walking the streets of downtown Youngstown that Saturday night buy me a beer or point me in the right direction of my hotel. Whichever seems more appropriate. Youngstown is like the wild west sometimes.
Our next big in-store event is our annual “Not-At-Comicon” sale from July 18th to the 21st, timed to go along with NOT going to San Diego.

Just like last year this will all build up to the last day and our Swap Meet with local Buy Sell Trade group NEO-TACC!

More like a family than a BST group actually. This event is FREE and we’ll give you more information as we get closer.
Alright, school’s out! Summer’s here!