Featured New Releases for 7-31-2019
It’s a Batman kind of week, plus some other titles with some pretty big stuff going on! Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, July 31st, 2019!
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s swan song to Batman continues this week, with issue two of the three-issue Black Label miniseries, Batman Last Knight On Earth.

Batman walking around dystopian Earth with Joker’s head! We’ll have 2nd printings of the sold-out issue #1 as well.
The Batman Who Laughs comes to a close with its seventh issue.

Another Snyder book, this one with art by JOCK!
Batman Secret Files #2 will give you some background info on Batman’s rogue’s gallery to refresh your knowledge for Tom King’s final storyline in “City of Bane”.

For everyone who enjoyed House of X #1 last week, we have the first issue of the companion series, also by Hickman, Powers of X #1.

We sold so many House of X’s that I had to have more sent in from a friend in North Carolina. We will have first prints back in stock this week!
Everyone asked where the seeds were last week. Well, they were held up in customs.
This week the first 96 people to buy Powers of X #1 will get a free packet of seeds!

If you’ve read House of X you’ll get the reference. Grow yourself some Krakoa! Please grow these things and post pictures on our Facebook Page if you’re successful! Mrs. Dudas will be trying her best.
For everyone who missed the final issue of Walking Dead, #193, second prints are in this weekend. It’s a great endcap to the series, and well worth the trip in for the read. The best $3.99 you’ll spend in the shop this month. Oversized issue for a great price.

Rick’s dead and this story is set years after that.
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge is set to open on August 29th down in Disney World. There’s a great comic to go with it, and issue #4 comes out this week.

Find out even more about the Black Spire Outpost in the first three issues, reprints of which are out as well.
Everyone was caught of guard by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95, which featured the first female ninja turtle.
This week the story continues in #96, and we’re a bit more prepared.

The story leading up to #100 started in issue #93 with “City of War” part one. We’ve got the first two parts in but we’re still waiting on the reprints of #95.
Finally, The Boys! Oh jeez, The Boys.

The Boys series dropped on Amazon Prime this week and it’s EVERY bit as demented as the comic. (go out and find a trailer, I’m not posting it here.)
The comic by Garth Ennis is being reprinted in new collections by D.E., and it goes hand in hand with the show.
Over the top fun, not for the squeamish.
Well, that’s all for this week!