Sick of hearing about your friends’ plans for San Diego Comicon? Does your stomach curl when you think about all the photos they’ll be posting on their social media when they get there?
Well let them have their fun, and we’ll have ours too!
It’s time for our Annual NOT-AT-COMICON Sale, culminating on Sunday, July 21st with our second annual Swap Meet in association with NEO-TACC. (The North East Ohio Toy and Collectible Club.)

From Thursday, July 18th till Sunday, July 21st, (the same days San Diego is going on)
- 50% off all back issues!
- 20% off all statues, actions figures, and pop funs!
- 10% off everything else in the shop!
The really big part is, we pull all the books out of our back room and storage locker and make them available for only $1 each. (or 50 cents each if you buy 100 or more!) It’s about 70,000 books.
What’s more, all the Marvel’s and DC’s are in alphabetical order, so bring those lists. The Small Press book are grouped by letter. (So all the “A”‘s are together, etc.)
This is one of only two times we are able to do this each year, so take advantage. Books are in the foyer attached to the shop.
We will also be raffling off a $200 Stan Lee Marvel Treasury Edition, so be sure to fill out that slip when you stop in!

This all leads up to Sunday, July 21st, when we’ll be hosting our Second Annual Swap Meet in the space we use for Free Comic Book Day, 120 feet from the shop. (17430 Lorain Ave, we’re at 17462) The Swap Meet will be from noon until 4 pm, with vendor set up starting at 11 am.

Last year we had 40 tables and attendance was around 500 people!

This year we’re almost doubling the amount of tables by branching off into the parking lot, under the plaza awning, and by adding a few local artists who are affiliated with NEO-TACC!
This is not a Comicon convention! This is a swap meet where people set up to clear out and add to their collections! Imagine a big pop culture garage sale where the prices are great.
We have also encouraged vendors to bring more comics this year!
(Oh yeah, you do not have to swap, this is a Buy Sell Trade group! So even if you’re not set up you’re welcome to purchase items as well as bring stuff in to trade.)
Here’s a look at the set up inside:

As well as a look at what the outside set up will be like:

Tables are all sold out, but we have opened up a 1,000 square foot area outside (uncovered) for anyone that would like to bring a small (six foot max) table into the area and set up in a respectful manner. (ie, in accordance with the NEO-TACC volunteers wishes)
This area is first come first serve and you can drop a table down starting at 11 am.
As mentioned we have also added a few local art vendors who are also members of NEO-TACC:

Also, set up outside the comic shop, will be Erin Schechtman Caruso and the record painting duo of Rick Sans and Sergio Andujar!
We also recommend stopping by a few of the businesses in the plaza for some other important sundries to get yourself through the day, like Ice Cream and Beer.
We couldn’t put these events together without Lisa Kay from the Kamm’s Corner Ice Cream Co, so walk on over to her shop and get some Ice Cream while you’re here.
You can’t have a NEO-TACC meet up without having a few drinks, so we recommend dipping into Working Class Brewery, right between the shop and the event space.
This is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon with your family. Last year my seven-year-old daughters comment was “People’s old junk can be someone’s new treasure.” Bravo Zoe. You never know what treasure you will find…

So remember…

Hope to see you out there!