Featured New Releases for 8-21-2019
It’s a short and simple week at the comic shop! Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, August 21st, 2019!
DC Titles
Frank Miller and John Romita Jr have been crafting a new origin for Superman in DC’s adult “Black Label” line. Issue #2 (of 3) comes out this week.

This chapter follows Clark though a coming of age story set in Atlantis, which likely means Lori Lemaris.
A lot of readers tapped out of Tom King’s Batman run after the wedding scam fiasco, but it seems like everyone’s back for his final arc, “City of Bane”.

Batman #85 will be his final issue on the book, closing it out 15 issues earlier than planned.
Marvel Titles
Spider-Gwen will be joining the proper Marvel Universe with Ghost Spider #1.

We still only have enough copies of Powers of X #3 to cover preorders. We will be ordering heavily on reprints though, so don’t give up hope just yet. This book is well worth the wait and fun to read as a periodical. We’ll have our orders under control for issue #4. (This is what happens with a weekly series.)

Another book that’s caught everyone off guard is Absolute Carnage. We do have first prints of issue #1 back in stock at cover price, so hop on board at ground level. This week’s Deadpool vs Carnage is also sold out before it hit the table, but if you’ve got a preorder in, we’ve got you covered.

(If it seems like we’ve laying on the preorder thing heavily, it’s because we want everyone to get the books they want. Just ask at the counter to set up a file. You save 10% off all your new comic purchases!)
The third and final volume of Ed Piskor’s Grand Design is out, and it’s must reading for any X-Men fan.

Piskor wrote Hip Hop Family Tree and used those skills to craft an ongoing narrative of X-History!
Image Title
Lastly, we can’t say enough about Image’s Criminal.

Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are the perfect crime noir team. In addition to graphic novels like “My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies” and “Bad Weekend”, you can tune into the monthly comic for a regular dose of their work.
That’s all for this week. We know it’s early but mark your calendar for Halloween Comic Fest on Saturday, October 26th, All the comic that will be available for free can now be seen here!