Featured New Releases for 9-4-2019
Wow! It’s about to be another great week at the comic book shop with some spectacular new releases!
Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, September 4th, 2019!
Spawn 300
First up is Spawn #300, setting the record for the longest-running independent comic in history!

Oversized $7.99 issue, lots of covers to choose from, with interior art by Greg Capullo, J Scott Campbell and Todd MacFarlane himself! Scott Snyder even has a few words in there!
Come early on Wednesday to get your copy, because they will go fast and our distributor is out of stock!
Marvel Comics
House of X #4 is here, but the really big news is we have big stacks of the third prints of both House and Powers of X #1!

Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 10th! These books have been so fun to talk about that we’ll be hosting a book club to talk about it from 8:15 pm to 9:15 pm the day after the final issue of Powers of X #6 comes out.
This will be a spoiler full zone so do your due diligence and catch up before-hand. We’ll have help with this endeavor from Valentino Zullo, who’s well versed in making these things go off without a hitch.
Oh yeah! We also have more first prints of Marvel Comics #1000 and Absolute Carnage #2 coming in, as we sold out of both last week.
DC Comics
Everybody’s already reading it, but the new issue of Doomsday Clock is out and it’s fantastic.

The Legion of Super-heroes returns in a two0part mini-series by Brian Bendis. This book will help to connect all of DC’s future timelines to the present.

There’s even a little Jim Lee art in there!
Harley and Ivy get a new six-issue mini-series that’s a romp through the DCU while also exploring the nature of their relationship after Heroes in Crisis.

DCeased A Good Day to Die one-shot features the zombie hunting dream team of Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and John Constantine!

Gabby Rivera
Lastly, we’ll be providing some support to the Gabby Rivera lecture going on at the downtown branch of the Cleveland Public Library this Saturday at 2 pm.

Gabby writes AMERICA for Marvel but her lecture will be about all kinds of things. Here’s one of her TED Talks that I thought was pretty great.
We’ll be down there handing out FREE (you know how we roll) copies of America so you can get something signed after the lecture.

We are proud to be supporting Gabby during her visit to Cleveland!
That’s all folks! See you this week at the shop!