Marvel Superheroes Reach “The End”
The first month of 2020 went like a Flash!
Here’s the featured new releases for the final week of January!
Marvel’s “End”
Marvel has been making a series of one shots chronicling the final days of their heroes and heroines. This week we’ve got books for Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Deadpool!

It’s also a really big week for X-titles, with new issues of X-Men, Fallen Angels, New Mutants, and X-Force.

We’ll also be getting in reprints of alot of X-titles that we’ve sold out of.
If you were a fan of the original Old Man Logan, this week’s Avengers of the Wasteland #1 shows the lives of the heroes living out in the, well, the Wasteland.

Luke Cage’s daughter is the new Thor!
DC and Watchmen News
We’ve been a big fan of DC’s all ages original graphic novels, and this week Cassandra Cain returns to one as Batgirl.

We just restocked all of out PVC Gallery statues, they’re in the case where the pub glasses were. We’ve got a few brand new ones this week too, like the Joker Killing Joke.

Finally, it’s getting close to our second book club on Thursday February 6th. At 8pm that night we’ll be discussing Doomsday Clock and the Watchman TV Show.

The ramification of Doomsday Clock are just being felt in the DCU, specifically in Wonder Woman #750 last week, so it’ll be a fun topic to discuss. The TV show had an incredibly satisfying ending, so catch yourself up and come on in.
Lasy time we had some cool raffle prizes and this time is no different. I’m going to raffle off my Watchman Portfolio at the end of the book club! Looking around online prices vary but it’s worth at least $150, and it’s pretty rare too.

Just a head up way in advance that we will be setting up a Wizard World this year.

Wizard World
We want you to get first shot at the half off Silver Age we have before we take it to the show. Winston World (Our in shop sale to coincide with Wizard World) will start the weekend before the show on Saturday February 29th and last until the end of WW on Sunday March 8th.

While the 50% off back issues will be for the whole week, be advised the Silver Age will only be in the shop from the 29th to the 4th. You get first crack before we take it Down Town!
On a side note, did you know Winston was once featured in a national article and was selected as the best comic book shop cat in America? Ridiulous. He literally does nothing.

Anyway, that’s it for this week!