Upcoming Events at CNJComics
This week we’ve decided to give you a run down on the upcoming events that we’ll be involved in over the next few months!
Book Club!
February starts off with our Doomsday Clock / Watchmen TV Series Book Club this Thursday from 8 pm to 9:30 pm!

Hosted by Valentino Luca Zullo and our own Rafael Calzada, we’ll be covering the Watchmen sequels both in print and on tv. (We may even talk about how Alan Moore feels about it all.)
If you’d like a really great recap of the shows after you’ve watched them, ScreenCrush’s videos really helped me see alot of stuff I never knew was there.
Valentine’s Day
Friday, February 14th is obviously Valentine’s Day, and no matter where you are relationship wise, you can always stop in the shop and get a little love from us.

Every year we let customers pull a Valentine from our box with your purchase, and each one gives you discounts, free stuff, you know, LOVE.
Stop by the shop on the day and see what you get.
After that I’ll be headed out to Portland Oregon for the yearly ComicsPro meeting, where we establish relationships with publishers, distributors, creators and other retailers that we use all year long to provide you with the best comic book shop experience possible. I’m even on the Board of Directors!

The Cons, Big and Small
Once we get back, we’ll be setting up at Lake Erie Ink’s Comicon for Kids on the East Side on Saturday, February 29th.

In it’s eighth year, this is a convention to help kids create their own comic books and learn from local creators.
Here’s some more info on that, it’s a great space for ages 8-18!
We’ll be there mostly to hand out free stuff to attendees to show our support, but we’ll also bring some cheap dollar stock so the kids can get the feel of digging through bins at a convention.
Then it’s time for Wizard World Cleveland, which also means it’s time for Winston World in the shop.

Wizard World is from Friday March 6th till Sunday March 8th. We WILL be going down there this year and setting up a booth. Since we’ll be taking most of the Silver Age down there with us Winston World (our yearly sale to coincide with that other thing.) will start a week early this year and run from Saturday February 29th to Sunday March 8th. During this time you can get 50% off all back issues as well as 10% off everything else in the shop! Be advised that the Silver Age will only be in the shop from 2-29 till end of day on the 5th. This should give you plenty of time to get what you’re looking for before we take it down for the masses.
To be clear, we want you to get first crack at it. So says the cat..

In April, Jim and I will be going down to Orlando for the Diamond Retailer Summit. (As well as sneaking off to Galaxy’s Edge for a day. Shhhhhhhhhh….)
Free Comic Book Day
Then it’s time for Free Comic Book Day. Get ready for this one, because we’ve got Chris Claremont coming out this year!

Contracts have been signed, plane tickets have been purchased (the first time I’ve ever bought a first class ticket in my life actually) and we’re even listed on Chris’s website.
Here’s a great video on Chris to get you as excited as we are.
Our second book club in April will likely be on Claremont’s X-Men run, with an emphasis on the Dark Phoenix Saga. We’ll host this before his FCBD appearance to get everybody jazzed up and ready.
The best part of it is not just the visit, but the chance to show him how CNJComics throws a FCBD.
To quote the Joker, “Wait’ll he gets a load of us.”

At this point, we’re not sure how the Friday Night part of the event will go down, but we do know that all day on Satuday from 10 am to 6 pm he will be available to all, signing autographs and meeting his fans. In the spirit of FCBD, the first autograph is free, then it’s $10 each after that. We’re more excited for everyone to get a chance to meet this legend in our industry. To say that we have alot of other exciting things planned for FCBD would be an understatement. 😉 I’ve been working on this one since last year’s ended.
Okay! That’s the plan, so let’s see if we can make all that stuff actually happen. Let’s go 2020!