Facebook Live Sale this Sunday FBO CNJStaff
First off, I’d like to give a big round of applause for Jim and Ben, who took orders, wrapped up and delivered over 80 packages in three days.
“In a world quarantined by a global pandemic, one millennial, armed with only Purell and a strict non-contact protocol, will attempt to deliver 52 packages covering over 100 miles, spreading hope and comic books to Cuyahoga County. Stay put Cleveland, we’re coming to you. (While also not coming anywhere near you.)”

Thanks to everyone who gave Ben a wave from a safe distance. Can you see yourself on the map?

There are offically no new comics next week, or for the forseable future, but we are still taking orders for backstock and graphic novels, delivered free within in the county. Otherwise we can ship it out to you for a cost. Just send us your lists and we’ll see what we can dig out for you. We’re grateful for the sale!
Email info@cnjcomics.com or just call us at 216-252-0606. (If you call and no one is there shoot us an email.)
On that note, this Sunday will be our first Facebook Live Sale at 6pm, with the funds going to keep Jim and Ben employed throughout this quarantine.

“Join us here Sunday at 6pm for our first Facebook Live sale to benefit Jim and Ben’s ongoing employment. I personally will not take a single dollar out of this store while we are shuttered. I plan to keep Jim and Ben, our two full time employees, working full time as long as I can, with the medical coverage they need to make it through. I will present 100 fun late Silver/early Bronze books for 50% off list. (Fun means not a major key, but I’ll give you a story behind each book so it has a purpose in your collection.) We will never ask you for something for nothing, you will get a great value for your dollar. But this is a way to help two of the people who help you with your comic book needs on a weekly basis. I will always take care of them, but now you can help a bit too. Thank you Cleveland!”
Just hop on over to our Facebook Page at 6pm this Sunday and chime in when you see a book you would like. These books can also be delivered within the county for free or shipped outside of that. The sale will be all Marvel, and there will be a bit of an educational component to it as well, as I review each book’s significance. If you cannot attend the live sale fear not, you can just watch the video later and email us any requests for books that were left over. Payment will be through credit card over the phone after the sale.
This is our first attempt at this, but we will be doing more in the future while we are shuttered down. (Please forgive us for any hiccups that happen, again it’s our first time.)
We’re prepared to start bleeding money, but things like this will help to keep us afloat longer. We thank everyone so much for helping us through this time period.
Okay Cleveland, let’s keep washing those hands at look out for our at risk population!