Quarantined at CNJComics
Yes, we are shut down for two weeks starting at midnight on the 23rd!
We expect this to go on longer but let’s get through this week first!

<it’s worth noting right away that this will be the last new comic shipment for an unknown amount of time>
So, how do I get my new comics this week?
We have read through the Govenors orders and we will not be allowing anyone inside of the shop, we will also not be doing any curbside pick up.
We can deliever your books to you within the county for free, we can also ship them outside of the county for a fee.
Just contact us at info@cnjcomics.com with anything you’d like added to your already existing file. You can also just send us an order if you do not have a file. You can find everything that came out this week here:
We may not have everything listed there but it’s a good start. You should also go to our Facebook page and watch Jim, Ben and John’s Shearer’s walk through of the new comic table. (I actually find the video to be quite comforting too.)
Seriously, even if you’re not a Facebook person, I recommend follow the page for a bit during the lockdown, it’s the best way to keep up with what’s going on with the shop during this time in history.
When you send us an email please include your phone number and we’ll give you a call with your total where we can ring up your credit card over the phone.
You can also just call us directly at 216-252-0606 on Wednesday between noon and 8pm to set up an order and pay. If you get a busy signal please call back, doing a credit card while on the phone takes up both phone lines so you may get that rare busy signal.
Jim and Ben will be in the shop and apart from each other, as they are allowed to do to maintain inventory and do paperwork.
I’ll actually be working from home and occasionally broadcasting on our Facebook page from lockdown throughout the week.
The delivery will be non contact, so we’ll wave at you from a distance.
We can also easily add anything to your order from back stock. All back issues are 50% off and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Send us your back issue want lists and we’ll dig around for you. We can add bags and boards to give you something to do. Have us pull some graphic novels off the wall or recommend some reading material.
We’ll gladly take any business you’d like to give us.
Rest assured that if you just want to wait this out, we will continue to hold your books until we are allowed to open the shop again. As stated above, we believe this may go on longer than two weeks.

But we hope for sooner rather than later. When we do open, there still might be no new product, but we’ll convert our model over into back issues and graphic novels, which we’re more than happy to do for awhile. If you need to cancel your file due to financial changes in your life, please just let us know. We totally understand. Another great thing people have been doing for small businesses they support is calling in a gift certificate and putting it in their files for us to deduct funds from when thier books come in. We know this is not possible for eveyone, but we are grateful when people can do it.
On a personal note, Carol is doing fine in her locked down senior apartment complex in Strongsville. I had a non contact visit with her outside yesterday.

I also sat down with Winston and he told me his family went through this same thing in 1918, and they made it through it okay.

So take care of yourselves and your familes! Make good choices when you do things, and we will see you on the other side!