Facebook Live Sale #2 on 4-6-2020

Yup, there are no new comics, and there won’t be for a little bit. (Sort of for the best, as we’re shuttered till May 1st anyway)
So, what else is going on?
We hope you’re taking care of your self and staying safe. That’s the most important thing.
If you’re okay, then let’s talk about the shop!
Our first Facebook Live Sale was a success on many levels. We sold 90% of the books we listed by the end of the sale, which also included a gallery we posted on Facebook of the books remaining after the live sale. It also felt like hanging out in the shop on a Wednesday. The support from everyone was incredible, and with the sales we are able to keep Ben and Jim around full time with the medical they hopefully do not need for three more weeks. I said it before but it bares repeating, I will not take a salary out of the store until we open again to the public. So this week’s Facebook Live Sale is to pay the rent, and by rent I mean rent and utilities. 6 pm to 7:30 pm on Monday April 6th!

I guess everybody dug me babbling about old Marvel Comics so we’re going to roll the same system out again. (With a lot of measures in place to help things along. We learned quite a bit last week!) I promise, the week after that will be DC. (eye roll emojii.)
Expect about 120+ Marvel Books at 50% off present in alphabetical order, late Silver, early Bronze, not major keys but all significant. (to me at least!)
Monday around noon we’ll put the gallery up and you can see what the books look like, they will not have prices on them. During the live sale, once I add the price just type “Claim” with the book you want, and the condition as well. (In case we have multiple copies.) Just saying “Claim!” does n work because of the Facebook Live time delay, we aren’t sure which book you’re talking about without the issue number. Afterwards you just email the shop at info@cnjcomics.com to set up payment. We’ll try to get though all the emails within 48 hours. Best possible email? Here it is:
Facebook Name
List of book you think you won
Preferred Payment method (paypal or call in credit card)
Delivery (free in county for orders over $20!) or shipping.
Ben is also in the live thread and confirms claims as he goes, and I’ve gotten better at talking to people while live streaming.

So what can you do to help the shop right now if you’re able?
1.) Tune in to the above Sale and buy something you need. (Or don’t need. Who cares, there’s a pandemic on.) To us, this is like donating to a GoFundMe but you get something!
2.) Call in a gift certificate for yourself. 216-252-0606 You can use it later, or we can deduct books in your file from it. Super helpful to keep us liquid.
3.) Make arrangements to clear out your file. We still have some people with some pretty big stacks back there. Expect a call this week to make arrangement to clear it out. If your financial situation has changed just let us know! We totally get it and can put your books out no problemo.
4.) Send us a want list of comics, graphic novels, or books for your kiddo’s who are stuck at home. We’ll fill it and deliver. Amazon’s backed up a month now in certain areas anyway.
5.) Keep up with us on social media to find out what’s going on. Not only was the live sale fun, it was actually very therapeutic for me personally. It was great to rewatch it and see everyone out there.
Okay everyone, keep washing those hands, watch out for our elderly national treasures and tune in on Monday!