Facebook Live Sale #5 at CNJComics 4-27-2020
Well, the Governor will be laying out his plans for reopening small businesses on Monday, so we’ll wait until his announcement before we make anymore statements on our plans. Suffice it to say that we are working hard to get the shop ready to reopen safely. (There’s a 8 x 4 sheet of Plexiglas waiting to go up on the counter that Winston keeps getting stuck behind.

But for now, here the info on the next Facebook Live Sale:
- Monday, 4-27-2020 – 6 PM – 8 PM
- Late Silver/Early Bronze Marvels 50% Off

Thanks to everyone for making these things such a success for us! Last week went off without a hitch and we sold 98% off the books live!
The new system of adding the price to the books seems to be working well but we still had a few people upset about losing claims. All we can say is that everyone is beginning from the same starting point, and everyone’s Wifi connection is different. We had one customer report he was 30 seconds behind the feed on laptop, then he went outside and used his phone and starting winning stuff. The thing to remember is that this is really about trying to keep the shop afloat so we can reopen. We’re doing the best we can. Again, thank you so much for the support. We love just seeing everyone together in the same ‘space’ during the live sales, and double checking the facts for the show has kept me sane.
This show will be the biggest yet, 200 books, and at the end we’ll even have some surprise items that have been donated to us by customers!
As always, please contact us at info@cnjcomics.com to connect with us for payment. You can also call 216-252-0606.
Oh yeah, look for a Gallery only sale sometime this week as well, likely Thursday.
We did apply for a PPP loan and were one of the businesses who got a bit screwed over, Fox 8 even did a news story about it, here’s a link to that:
However, our paperwork is 100% ready and que’d up for round two starting on Monday to try again. (Monday’s going to be a big day around here.)
The three of us met up again to discuss plans for reopening that would make everyone happy.

“This magnificent feast here represents the last of the petty cash.”
That’s all for now, Look for another email once we find out what the Governor has come up with.
Till then we’ll be washing our hands, keeping our distance, wearing a mask and keeping an eye on everyone from afar!