Joker’s 80th Anniversary at CNJComics 6-10-2020
Well, some of the back log has started to work it’s way to the shop, and we’ve got a really great week of new comics!
DC Comics
The big book of the week is the Joker 80th Anniversary issue! 100 pages for $9.99! Decades variants just like the previous specials.

Full of Joker art work and short stories. We went long on this one so you should be good to come in anytime this week.
(on that note, if you didn’t pick up the Catwoman 80th last week you should have. It was super fun and well worth the money. We sold out but we’re getting more back in.)
Also, finally, our copies of Batman #92 are in! If you’ve been looking to follow up on Punchline, the Joker’s new apprentice,/ girlfriend(?) then this is the book for you.

For even more Batman, there’s a Secret Files this week, as well as the new Batman Adventures Continues mini series. (written by Paul Dini, who was basically in charge of the original animated series!)

Marvel Comics
Marvel is shipping comic books again this week, and we’ve got new issues of Miles Morales Spider Man and Deadpool.

There are also new issue of Black Cat, Daredevil, Excaliber and New Mutants!
Small Press Comics
Image has a great new #1 this week with Adventureman #1 by Matt Fraction (!) and the Dodson’s!

Triple sized issue for only $3.99 and Fraction is know for his work on Hawkeye and Iron Fist. A female character inspired by an old Pulp hero!
BOOM has finally re-released the Something Is Killing the Children graphic novel, along with a new issue. Highly Highly recommended.

It’s also been a rough week, as DC has just annouced that they are servering their relationshop with Diamond. What does that mean for you? Eh, nothing really, it’s just more stuff for us to figure out. We’ll keep you posted.
Otherwise summer is here! Our CoVid protocols are in place, we’re open on Mondays again, Thursdays from 11 ^am to noon are at risk hours. We still encourage people to wear masks but as the climate lightens up we understand if less and less people wear them. (We still have to, so don’t mind us.)
The shop is also pro protest, anti riot, pro good cop, anti bad cop. We also strive to create an all inclusive environment where everyone is treated equally, and we don’t much abide by people who don’t feel the same. Help ever hurt never.
Thanks everyone!