Free Comic Book Day Summer Week Three
This one’s all about the status of Free Comic Book Summer 2020!

We’ve been deligently getting the Free Comic Books into everyone’s files, and opening up Saturdays to give away the remaining books. It’s worked out incredibly well, and keeps us busy each Saturday without being overwhelmed. Last week we even had Carol back in the shop to keep the customer count.
This Saturday I’ll be hanging out at the shop and watching the occupancy! After consulting the staff we have decided it’s okay to move the free books into the shop on the glass counter when you first walk in. We’ll still keep the touchless hand sanitizer station outside so please use if before entering. If we reach capacity at any point I will step outside to regulate people going in and out. (This only happens rarely throughout the day if at all.) We know everyone is used to this from other stores but we will always thank you for your patience when it happens.
Since I’m hanging out I’ll be digging out more stuff to give out FREE on Saturday, like a couple boxes of old FCBD books we have, and some of our old prints!
As always, buying a $5 print is the best way to support FCBD.
This week has one of the best selections of offerings out of the nine weeks this will be going on.
In our ‘All Ages’ Catogory we have Stanger Things/Mincraft from Dark Horse, two properties that eveyone loves. Minecraft is hard to translate into comics but this one has the pacing I think is correct.

Batman Tales Once Upon a Crime is an All Ages Sampler of DC’s Young Reader Original Graphic Novels, including Batman Overdrive (Young Bruce Wayne and cars) Primer (a girl who gets her powers from art and cans of spray paint) and My Video Game Ate My Homework (DC’s answer to Minecraft!) Which is cool, because all the previews are for books that are highly recommended.

Another cool all ages selection is Stepping Stones/Max and the Midknights!

Stepping Stones is a great original graphic novel in the vein of Sisters and Guts, but with a Farmer’s Market storyline.
We also have Richard Fairgray’s Monster Showcase, which is made by the LA comic book shop Gold Apple Books. (Good people.)

This book is All Ages but recommended for readers over 8.
The ‘Teen” selection is Archie’s preview of their Original Graphic Novels for Riverdale and Betty and Veronica.

And lastly, for adults only, a preview of the first issue of ‘The Boys’ the Amazon Prime deconstruction of super heroes and the Justice League.

Great book by Garth Ennis, creator of Preacher amongst other things. Super over the top so don’t grab it if you’re easily offended.
As I said above, I’ll guide you through the other Free Stuff we have when you stop by on Saturday,
So, for a shop that prides itself on large scale events, we’ve come to terms that we likely won’t be having any in 2020. It’s a drag since our 30th Anniversary is this year, but we do have something special lined up for that. We will also likely do our Christmas Art Show for the Cleveland Food Bank, but stretch it out over the course of four days, then pull the winners live on Facebook. The Food Bank needs money now more than ever.
To that end, we will start to do some things to bring our storage locker inventory out into the foyer, which will up our occupancy slightly while bringing stuff out for everyone to dig through. From Wednesday August 12th to the 16th we’ll be bringing out all the small press books from our locker at one dollar each (50 cents each for 100 or more. ) It’s like 18,000 books most off which you’ve never seen. Bad news is they are only in a semblance or order. By the end of the weekend we hope to get them in letter order at least.
We will be doing stuff like this once a month over the course of five days to control occupany.
Okay everyone, we hope to see you Saturday at the shop! Thanks for being awesome!