New Releases for 9-2-2020
Let’s beginning by saying this week’s Free Comic Book Day Summer discount is 10% off all graphic novels and hardcovers from Wednesday September 2nd to Sunday September 6th!
It’s a good time to stock up on some new reading material and we’ve even got some suggestions below.
This week’s lead is the continuation of Joker War in Batman #98!

This is part four is a six part storyline that began in issues #95 and will end in issue #100. It’s written by James Tynion IV, from BOOM’s horror hit Something is Killing the Children. We do have all issues in stock, as well as most of the tie ins. Batman spends most of the story poisoned and high.
Here’s a full checklist since we haven’t put one out there yet. (You’re honestly okay just reading the main Batman title though.)

We will also have more copies of Three Jokers #1 coming in case you miss it. Three Jokers is not directly related to Joker War btw.
We are big fans of Tom Taylor’s DCeased books, which is basically really well written DC Zombie stories. This week is the third issue of the current mini series, DCeased Dead Planet.

We also have the first two issues in stock, as well as the first two hardcovers. Great stories. Talk to the staff and they’ll tell you all about it.
We’re excited that Tom Taylor is also writing the new John Constantine Black Label book Hellblazer Rise and Fall.

It’s a three issue mini series for adults only with art by Transmetropolitan’s Derick Robertson.
We can take the Zombie thread on over to Marvel with Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1, a four issue mini series.

Zombie Galactus has come to Earth to feed and he’s carrying a cannibalistic virus! ZOMBIE GALACTUS!!!
Empyre #6 concludes the weekly series and we though you’d like to see the cool Michael Cho variant cover.

Black Widow’s new number one is finally out. It’s was delayed when the movie was postponed until November 6th.

It even has a J Scott Campbell cover priced variant cover!
This week is also the new volume of the Immortal Hulk’s graphic novels, volume seven.

These books are as good as you’ve heard and we just ordered up on the previous volumes. (see, we told you we’ve have some recommendations!)
Immortal Hulk writer Al Ewing has his first BOOM Studios indie this week with We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #1.

Humanity harvesting the corpses of giant alien gods to survive!
This is week seven of Free Comic Book Day Summer, and one of the books this Saturday is my favorite this year.
FCBD Jack Kirby The Epic Life of the King of Comics is a preview book of the graphic novel by Tom Scioli, an incredibly well crafted book on Jack.

Even with the change to the event this year, I kept my original orders for this book because nothing is as important to us than sharing our love of Jack Kirby.
Everyone should make sure they pick up a copy and if you dig it follow through with the graphic novel.
Other books this week include Owly (all ages) which we also love, Mean Girls Senior Year (teen) , Naruto (teen) and Lady Mechanika (teen).

Be advised we will be closed Monday September 7th for Labor Day.
Also be advised that from Wednesday September 9th to Monday September 14th, we will have all the Marvel and DC books from our storage locker in the foyer at $1.00 each! (50 cents each for 100 or more!) Most of the books will be in order, and it’s around 150 long boxes. Just another effort to recoup sales that will be lost because we can’t do proper events this year.
As always thanks for the support this year!