Three Jokers at CNJComics 8-26-2020
Three Jokers
It’s been over four years since Geoff Johns revealed that there were actually three Jokers running around in the DC Universe in Justice League #50. (This was pre Rebirth for Pete’s sake.) This Wednesday we FINALLY get to read the story that Johns has been cooking up with Jason Fabok.

A $6.99 prestige format three issue mini series drawn in the ‘style’ of the Killing Joke elaborating on the nature of the three Jokers. Both Barbara Gordon and Jason Todd have some serious baggage from past Joker encounters that will be on display here. (Remember when the world voted to have Robin killed? Jeez.)
We did qualify for the three premium variant covers and we will be randomly placing them in peoples files if you didn’t already ask for one. (If you didn’t, it’s too late to request a specific one. They’re in your file already.)
Here’s one right here:

Here’s what the covers look like for all three issues, which each issue having and A and B cover, and three premium covers. (You had to order at least 50 of each premium cover to get them.) We will have all the covers for all three issues, so lock down which one you want for issues two and three.

We will have some of the premium covers hitting the table on Wednesday on a first come first serve basis. You can flip the cover in your file out for one on the table if you like.
We’re going to sell out of this book but fear not, we have more regular covers on the way!
We also have three DC books tying into Joker War this week, Batgirl #48, Detective #1026 and Red Hood Outlaw #48.

Marvel Comics
Marvel’s cool book this week is Fantastic Four Antithesis #1, a four issue mini series written by Mark Waid with art by the legendary Neal Adams! This is Neal’s first full length Fantastic Four story ever!

Everyone knows Neal is a genius, but his work suffers when he’s the writer as well. (Sorry Neal.) This book has rectified that with Mark Waid providing the story.
We’re also getting in a few more of the seriously discounted Marvel Graphic Novel titles, two of which I’m strongly behind.
Captain America Iron Man Civil War is a great companion to the original series, has the issues leading up to Cap’s death and has one of my all time favorite comics, Civil War the Confession. It was the perfectly written epilogue to Civil War,with Bendis providing some of my favorite Captain America dialogue ever.

A $24.99 book for only $5.00!
Ultimates Volume One is the original story by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. So much of this book was pulled into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Cap’s opening issue alone is worth the price of admission. This is the Avengers in the Ultimate Universe. First six issues. Books like this pulled Marvel out of it’s late 90’s bankruptcy issues.

A $12.99 book for only $3.00!
Summer Comic Sale Continues
This is week seven for free comic book summer, and this week’s discount is 20% off all Statues, Action Figures and Pop Funs from Wednesday to Sunday!

We have a large restock order floating around in CoVid Shipping Limbo, somewhere, so best to clear the shelves a bit before it eventually shows up.
This week we have four new FREE books going out on Saturday. (schedule says five but Usagi Yojimbo was delayed a week.)
All Ages books include:
Donut the Destroyer
Only Matter of Space Time (by Vader and Son’s Jeffrey Brown)

Teen books include:
Brandon Sanderson Dark One
Best of 2000AD #0

Alright! That’s it for this week! Thanks for all the support and stay safe!