What’s going on at CNJComics this week 8-12-2020
We’ve got alot going on at the shop this week, but the top of the charts is this:

We have over 90 long boxes of small press comics (meaning anything except Marvel and DC) going into the foyer for only $1.00 each. (buy 100 or more and we’ll make that 50 cents each.) Everytime we buy a collection the small press goes into a storage locker that has been building and building. I personally move them all into the foyer next to the shop where they will be all weekend. A majority of this stuff has never been picked through and it is in -some- semblance of order. We will likely not do this again for a long long time so take advantage of this opportunity. For everyone who has ever asked us to check the foyer for small press comics, this is your chance to do it yourself, at a huge discount as well.
Second, it’s election season, so we’ve gotten in hundreds of Darryl Young’s amazing election buttons. There are over 150 different designs to choose from, with an emphasis on super heroes and heroines.

(honestly, the villains are the best. Who doesn’t want Galactus for President?) Buttons are $2 each and you likely won’t find them in any shop anywhere. We worked out a deal with Darryl to carry them because they are so on point.
In the world of new comics, two of DC’s best storylines continue this week. Dark Nights Death Metal #3 continues Snyder and Capullo’s epic, which to me is scores above the original.

Also, Joker War continues in Detective #1025!

Our sympathies go out to our friends over at DC during the Timer Warner restructuring. I’m not sure what’s going on over there since the pandemic but there’s still real people behind these layoffs and we’ll always have empathy for that.
It’s easy to feature another issue of Empyre over at Marvel, but this week the boys demanded I draw attention to Nick Spencer’s Amazing Spider-Man and the Sin Eater storyline, which we’ve all really (really) enjoyed.

It’s like the old school Punisher, a villain armed with a shotgun moving across the Marvel landscape.
BOOM leads the indie charge with super hot writer Tom Taylor’s new Seven Secrets title.

“For centuries, the Order has trusted in Keepers and Holders to guard the Secrets in seven briefcases against all harm, but when their stronghold is attacked and the secrets put in peril, the entire Order must face their greatest fear-an enemy who knows too much and is willing to kill to get what he wants.”
We had alot of success with our Marvel discounted graphic novels last week, so we have two more long boxes of different titles hitting the table today. Most of these books are more than 75% off list price!
New titles include:
Doctor Strange The Oath, written by Saga’s Brian K Vaughan!

Regular $19.99 for only $5.00.
Deadpool Carnage by Cullen Bunn.

Regular $16.99 for only $4.00.
There’s actually a lot of new Deadpool titles in there.
We love being able to provide this discounted reading material during this time period. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that people really want something to read right now, at an affordable price when possible.
This Saturday continues Free Comic Book Day Summer, so another fun reason to come out. Because we have opened up the 400 square foot foyer next to the shop, we are able to add five people to our occupancy rating, getting us up to 20 plus staff. This will only be in effect while the foyer is open, then we’ll go back down to 15.
We’ve got five new Free Comic Books, two mature and three all ages.
In the mature line, we have the Critical Roll / Norse Mythology Sampler, which is great from fans of DnD on one side, and Neil Gaiman on the other.

We also have a mature readers Blade Runner comic book.
On the All Ages side we have to mention John Stanley’s Little Lulu comic, as it was one of Carol’s favorite books growing up.

Other All Ages books include Eric Powell’s Hillbilly and ONI’s Super Mercado Mix Tape.
All books are free all day Saturday. We also have leftovers on some titles from previous weeks!
That’s it for this week!