Featured New Releases for 9-16-2020
We’ve had a crazy few weeks, and we’re happy to spend this one just focusing on this week’s new release! There’s some great stuff across the board, from DC to Marvel to Independants.
So hey! Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, September 16th, 2020!
The big book this week is Detective Comics #1027, at 144 pages for $9.99 it feels more like an original graphic novel than a comic book. Everyone wanted to work on it too so you’ve got new stories by Matt Fraction, Brian Michael Bendis, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Scott Snyder, Marv Wolfman, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Tom King and more!
Lots of covers too, and we’ll have all of them hitting the table at noon. You can dig around online to find them but here’s one by J. Scott Campbell!
Joker War continues in Batman #99, after the very satisfying previous issue. (For real, #98 was just really good storytelling, and I think it’s great when a storyline can take an upbeat turn a couple issues before the end.)
Make sure you’ve got your order in for issue #100 next month!
In the world of collectible reprints and DCeased, the 4th printing of DCeased Dead Planet #1 will have a Peach Momoko cover featuring Poison Ivy.
We love hand selling DCeased, and all you need to catch up are two hardcovers and three issues of Dead Planet. It’s basically world building with DC Zombies featuring abstract characters that Tom Taylor enjoys writing.
Iron Man has a new number one where he’s taken ‘back to basics’ and will be flying around in an actual suit of armor again.
Art by rising star CAFU (another thing to look up online) and a great Alex Ross cover too!
You get two issues of Immortal Hulk this week, #37 and a #0 issue.
The zero issue contains reprints of two issues the inspired the current Immortal Hulk series and expands on the abusive nature of Bruce Banner’s father. It also has some new material written by Al Ewing.
The current Amazing Spider-Man story has grown so big it needed a one shot, but fear not, it’s still written by regular writer Nick Spencer.
Amazing Spider-Man the Sins of Norman Osborn One Shot features a gathering of spider friends now know as the Order of the Web.
We lied up above, the really big book this week is Kent State by DERF.
This incredibly well researched book took him about five years to make. Derf made “My Friend Dahmer” and has lived in the Cleveland area his whole life. He was even supposed to give a lecture on this book during our Free Comic Book Day event this past May. (Stupid stupid CoVid.)
I knew about the Kent State shootings but this made me watch the old movie from 1981, as well as listen to a few podcasts on the subject. The greatest praise you can give a work like this is that it inspired me to learn more. Great job. I even plan to take a road trip out to Kent to see the actual locations.
Fan of Old Guard on Netflix? Enjoy the graphic novel by Greg Rucka? A second volume comes out this week, Old Guard Force Multiplied.
Chip Zdarsky has a new book from Image as well, Stillwater #1, a town where no one dies. Art by Ramon Perez too!
For you fans of Umbrella Academy, Klaus gets his own six issues mini series!
Great second season of the show. Here’s a video of Klaus in action. Just a really well crafted character.
We also keep fighting to get the three volumes of the original Umbrella Academy graphic novels in and more are due this week.
Lastly thanks for all the support during Free Comic Book Day Summer. We had some really great Saturdays and we truly appreciate it! There are no books being made for Halloween Comic Fest this year but we’re trying to get some stuff together to make it a fun weekend for everyone!