Happy 30th Anniversary CNJComics 10-28-2020

Okay, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover here so hang on!


First and for most, Happy 30th Anniversary Carol and John’s Comic Book Shop!

Yup, this Wednesday October 28th will be our 30th year in business, dating back to 1990.

We linked to it before but here’s some of the history of our shop from Cleveland Magazine’s Best of Issue this month. We got the lead article!

So here’s what we’re going to do for you! Stop in and see us this Wednesday and we’ll give you a FREE Howard the Duck Complete Collection Volume One Graphic Novel with any purchase.

Why? Because Howard’s base of operations is historically Cleveland, and we think everyone that lives here should get some background on his history. This is a $34.99 book you’ll get for FREE to thank you for keeping us in business all these years. It’s got a lot of supplemental material, all his earliest stories, Howard running for President in 1976, as well as the KISS appearances.

If reading old 70’s pap isn’t your thing you can choose a FREE modern Howard Graphic Novel by Chip Zdarsky

This is our thank you to you Cleveland! The Blue Collar nature of this town is the perfect setting for our shop’s adventures.


This week is also home to some pretty great new releases, including the final chapter of Batman Three Jokers.

We have all read it and we all agree it is a fantastic ending. This is now a classic story in the Batman/Joker mythos. This issue surprises and delivers a punch we did not see coming.

We will have one of the super rare 1:450 variants available for $300. It’s a perfect copy and first come first serve on Wednesday at noon.

We also have all the non ratio premium variants on the table at cover price as well.

But other than that, enjoy the story man! It’s almost a tear jerker.

Two other books from DC have some steam on them. Batgirl has her oversized final issue with #50, and it’s supposed to tie up some lose ends with her and Jason.

Jason himself has an over sized issue with Red Hood Outlaw #50.

It’s hard to say if the ending of Three Jokers will have any impact on this title, but this is being called the “End of the Outlaw” era.

Dark Nights Death Metal will roll along with another one shot by James Tynion IV, Rise of the New God.

A huge book this week is (finally) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin #1!

Out of the mind of Eastman AND Laird comes the futre story of the last Turtle left standing. We still don’t know who it is but odds are on Mikey amongst the staff. (No one knows for sure though) This over sized book is $8.99 and copies were allocated to all shops by 20% as the print run was short by thousands of copies. (there have already been several copies presold at $50 online by retail predators.) Rest assured if you ordered one from us it will be in your file at cover price. There will be some on the table as well, and we are limiting to one copy per person. Again, enjoy the story above all else! 2nd prints are on the way too if you miss it.

Todd McFarlane drew a tribute cover for Spawn #311 in memory of Chadwick Boseman.

It’s beautiful but there has been some controversy over his use of Boseman’s image on his own title. We’ll skip all that and make the decision easy for you. For every copy that we sell ($2.99 retail price) we’ll donate $1 to the American Cancer Society. There, now you can just enjoy the art for the tribute that it is!

We’ve also got another really great Children’s picture book this week, perfect for bedtime. (I love these books.)

About the traits and importance of healthy friendships!


This Saturday we will be hosting trick ot treating in the foyer next to the shop with full CoVid measures in place.

Here’s all the information about that from a previous email!

If there is anything we can do to make you feel safer when you come out please let us know.

We will have the $1.00 EC reprints out of Wednesday too, and we’ll let you pick out a paper mask as well.

Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who bought CD’s from my collection this past week! We sold 800! (That’s probably more CD’d than the entire state of Rhode Island has sold this year.)

I thought I was done and then I found another 150 CD’s in the storage locker. Ridiculous. They’ll be out until Friday for only a $1.00 each, then gone after that. For reals this time.

I raised enough money to buy the comic that I’ve wanted since I was a kid, Tales of Suspense #57, the first appearance of Hawkeye. If I told 13 year old me that we’re going to sell the CD’s to finally get a copy of TOS #57, I think he’d be alright with it. There’s a certain balance in there somewhere, and that’s what I love about collecting comics the most. Not just the stories, but the stories around the stories. How can you not be romantic about collecting comics. 🙂