Final Wednesday of 2020 at CNJComics
It’s finally over! 2020 is almost in the books! That means everything can go back to normal again right? Right?
We hope everyone had a great Christmas, and we’re ready for a couple more days of 2020. The shop will be open normal business hours on Thursday, New Years Eve from Noon – 8 PM and then Closed on New Years Day, Friday, January 1st, 2021.
New Releases – DC
Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, December 30th!
Next week is the final issue of Dark Nights Death Metal, which will show how we get to Future State, but for now we’ve got a few books to help clear out the year!
Batman Annual #5 is a Clownhunter origin issue with art by James Stokoe and written by James Tynion IV. Great looking book and Stokoe is always one to watch out for.

Dark Nights Death Metal The Last 52: War of the Multiverses One Shot is an $8.99 special that expands on individual battle in the big issue to come. The John Constantine story is fun. Regular Constantine is apparently darker than Dark Constantine.

We’ve got one more Tales of the Dark Multiverse book out, this one dealing with Dark Nights Metal. Basically a “what if” book for major DC events.

Jinny Hex also gets her own one shot this week!

New Releases – Marvel
On the Marvel side Avengers kicks into high gear with the start of the new “Phoenix” storyline, heroes and villains all compete to be the new host!

The ‘Last Remains’ storyline concludes in Amazing Spider-Man #55 and this cover is getting a lot of buzz.

Wolverine #8 is an oversized issue that’s supposed to be a good starting point as well as a tribute to his history.

Otherwise it’s a pretty small week and a good time to clear out that file. Please make an effort to come in before year end if you have books on hold. Just like a car dealership, we pay taxes on unsold inventory, so those books sitting on the shelf create an extra burden to us after the new year. :/
Fun Facts!

I drove out to the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to personally drop off the donation check for $5,090 so they didn’t lose any of the money collected to credit card or processing fees.
I always talk in terms of ‘meals created’ and it’s nice to know the Food Bank does the same. When the lady at the front desk looked at the check she said, ‘This is over 20,000 meals here, you know that?’ I said I did and she said ‘well all right then.’ This was a big victory for the community that has grown around the shop and we’re glad it worked out so well. We can’t thank you enough for everything that you all did to keep us afloat in 2020. We’re doing pretty well and while it’s far from over, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
On Monday, I got vaccinated because I’m a first responder.

While I wish I felt strongly about it one way or another, I can only say that it was that right move for me, and for the people around me. Everyone’s situation is different so talk to the people around you and make the best decision for yourself. As a firefighter I believe it was the right choice, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that being a small business owner didn’t factor into my thought process too. I know a lot of smart people on both sides of the fence and I respect and factored in everyone’s opinions. We do have a long way to go, but this is a pretty good step in the right direction (hopefully) and it’s how I wanted to close out 2020. Take care of yourselves and lastly thanks for keeping our shop safe in 2020!
We posted this picture when we were shuttered up on March 23rd, and it’s also appropriate now. See you on the other side everyone.