DC’s Future State is Here at CNJComics 1-6-2021
It’s a great start to the New Year, with a beginning and an end at DC, as well as some great Marvel books and Crossover #3 as well!
Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, January 6th, 2021!
DC’s Future State
While it’s been a crazy ride, Dark Nights Death Metal ends on a high note, with a really heartfelt final issue.

The series has been a commentary on the state of DC Comics, from big crossovers to the mess they’ve made with continuity over the years. Rest assured that at the end of this book, it’s reinforced that all the stories matter. The whole issue just felt very comforting.
Another stray comic left over from whatever Dan Didio was going to do with his now dead DC5G project was the $9.99 Generations Shattered One Shot.

A team is pulled together from across the Multiverse to tell the history of the DC Universe. (I did not get to read this issue yet, so I’m just going with the copy.)
Now let’s jump into the six Future State books that have come out this week. We warned you and now those warnings have become reality. DC is sold out of all these books at the publisher level, though we’ll still have copies of all hitting the table on Wednesday at noon. (lunar taking over as lone distributor didn’t help the matter either.)
I really liked the new Future State Wonder Woman, #1 of a two part $3.99 series.

Written and drawn by Joelle Jones, and introducing the new Wonder Woman from the Amazon Rainforest, Yara Flor.
The big one this week is Future State The Next Batman, #1 of a four part $7.99 series.

Written By John Ridley, screenwriter of 12 Years a Slave and writer of The Other History of the DC Universe, the new Batman is introduced. Nick Derington really shines with his artwork, and there’s two other back up stories, making this title almost a European style anthology.
Future State Swamp Thing was the sleeper hit, set way in the future where Swamp Thing and the Green rule the planet.

#1 of a two issue $3.99 series.
Other books include Future State Harley Quinn #1 (of a two issue $3.99 series) Future State Flash #1 (of a two issue $3.99 series) and Future State Superman of Metropolis #1 (of a two issue $5.99 series).

New Releases – Marvel
Marvels Eternals #1 was delayed but is now here. Written by Kieron Gillen, who’s given us Wicked and Divine and Die from Image Comics.

A ridiculous amount of covers but I did order at least one of each. At this point you’ll just have to grab the one you like the most on Wednesday.
A good primer for the movie coming out…whenever. (November 2021?)
If you didn’t add Star Wars High Republic #1, it’s sold out already with preorders. If you asked for it, it’ll be there for you. (Start a file if you don’t have one.) This book took everyone off guard and is the start of a whole new multimedia line from Star Wars, set way before the Skywalker Saga when the Jedi are at the height of their power.

With all the Star Wars announcements from Disney expect to see a bigger selection of the product in our shop. Star Wars is hot right now!
Finally Crossover #3, Donny Cates’ Image title that seems to be crossing the fourth wall.

Word is this is the big issue, but we’ll let you decide for yourself! We’ve got a a really big following on this book right now, so hop on board with everyone else!
Whew! Okay, that’s it. See you this week at the shop!