New Comic Releases for the Week of 6-25-2014
Summer is well under way but we’ve got some cool new releases for the week of Wednesday, June 25th!
First up is Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr’s debut on Superman #32!
This storyline will be John Romita Jr’s first work at DC after over 25 years at Marvel. Geoff Johns is fresh off of Forever Evil and has delivered some great Superman stories in the past. Looks to be an easy winner. There will be some cool variants associated with this book as well.
The Bombshell Variants are still coming out over at DC. Here’s the cover to Batman #32 Bombshell Variant.
Other Bombshells this week include: Aquaman #32, Catwoman #32, Flash #32, Justice League Dark #32, and Superman #32. (See, we told you so!) All Bombshell Variants are cover price while supplies last.
Been keeping up on Original Sin? I love it and each issue appears to be a game changer. This week one of the side stories begins, with Original Sin #3.1!
Written by Mark Waid and drawn by Mark Bagley, issues #3.1-#3.4 will follow the revelation of Iron Man’s role in the Hulk’s creation. That exploding Watcher eyeball is causing all kinds of problems this week. Original Sins #2 also comes out this week, and features the secrets of Cleveland’s own Howard the Duck.
For even more Hulk, Savage Hulk #1 comes out this week!
A new ongoing written and drawn by the ever popular Alan Davis. The first story arc features a fight with the X-men too.
It’s a big week over at Image, as The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman writes a new highly promoted horror comic, Outcast #1.
Kyle Barnes has been plagued by demonic possession all his life and now he needs answers. Unfortunately, what he uncovers along the way could bring about the end of life on Earth as we know it. Kirkman writing a new horror book is big news and Image knows it.
We’re doing a promotion with Saga this week identical to what we’ve did with Walking Dead a few weeks back.
All with a new issue of Saga #20 this week, we’ll also be offering copies of the 2nd print of #19 for only one dollar. Buying these two books catches you up after the third volume of the graphic novels so you can follow the series month to month. (otherwise, you’re looking at about five months until the fourth volumes comes out)
Lots of fun in all ages land, with IDW’s Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #1!
A crossover between Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10, Samurai Jack, and Dexter’s Laboratory? Too cool.
No matter what you read in the media, our Batman 75th Anniversary Event will be on Saturday, July 26th, and it will be awesome with our usual level of freebies, exclusivity, art, charity and more!
DC picked the date of Wednesday July 23rd but we believe we can deliver much more on a weekend than a week day. So mark your calendar and stay tuned!
Out summer sale is officially over, but we’ve decided to leave all the small press books in the foyer for only 25 cents till the end of the week as we sort through them. It’s around 20,000 books in order for a quarter. It’s like your digging through bargain bins in the 1970’s. (except that they’re in order).
That’s it for this week! Stay cool and we’ll see you this week at the shop!