New Comic Releases for the Week of 1-21-2015

Spider-Man and Spider-Verse will be our theme for the week, as four new related titles are coming in including the penultimate Amazing Spider-Man #13!

Here’s the featured new releases for the week of Wednesday, January 21st.

Spider-Verse has been one of the most satisfying story lines of the past year. Introducing new characters while respecting the core values of the Spider-Man mythos. There’s still time to hop on board and catch up before the big ending.

SPIDERVERSE_posterScottie Young Spider-Verse Poster. ($8.99)

The core story of Spider-Verse is being told in six parts in the main Amazing Spider-Man title, specifically Amazing Spider-Man #9 – #14. We still have the first four parts available and part five comes out this week in Amazing Spider-Man #13.

Amazing_Spider-Man_13Also this week is the final issue of the Scarlet Spiders mini series, issue #3.

Scarlet_Spiders_3Scarlet Spiders tells the off shoot story of the three clones Kaine, Ultimate Jessica Drew, and Ben Reilly.

The final issue of Spider-Verse Team Up also comes out this week. 

Spider-Verse_TEam_Up_3Each issue of Spider-Verse Team Up has featured two stories pairing up different Spiders each issue, and #3 is no different. A few of these stories have even pulled classic Spider-Man writers and artists out of semi retirement.

Finally in the Spider-Verse world this week is Spider-Woman #3.

Spider-Woman_3Featuring the side story of Spider-Woman and Silk and drawn by the often hated Greg Land. (I kind of like him but he does get a bit lazy now and then)

Spider-Verse_DellOtto_Banner-2Spider-Verse Over Sized Vinyl Poster $34.99 (it’s 12 feet long)

Everything related to Spider-Verse has been good, but stick to the main series if your budget is tight. I can’t rave about it enough. It seemed like a dumb premise at first but it is being executed masterfully. No matter where a Spider comes from, they share the common ground of Peter Parker’s morality, and it reminds you what strong stuff that is. “With great power comes great responsibility” 

We’ve also got a a cool freebie for you this week in the form of the DC Entertainment Essentials and Chronology Guide for 2015.

DC_reading_guideWant to explore DC’s rich graphic novel history? This book tells you what to read and in what order. Broken down by character and imprint it’s a really great resource to have, and we’ll be giving them away with a purchase starting this Wednesday! It’s a pretty thick book too. If you ever have questions about what to read please reach out to a staff member, we’re always happy to point you in the right direction too.

We’ll also have a big selection of new product hitting the table this week as always.
Peace and we’ll see you at the shop!