New Comic Releases for the Week of 1-21-2015
Spider-Man and Spider-Verse will be our theme for the week, as four new related titles are coming in including the penultimate Amazing Spider-Man #13!
Here’s the featured new releases for the week of Wednesday, January 21st.
Spider-Verse has been one of the most satisfying story lines of the past year. Introducing new characters while respecting the core values of the Spider-Man mythos. There’s still time to hop on board and catch up before the big ending.
Scottie Young Spider-Verse Poster. ($8.99)
The core story of Spider-Verse is being told in six parts in the main Amazing Spider-Man title, specifically Amazing Spider-Man #9 – #14. We still have the first four parts available and part five comes out this week in Amazing Spider-Man #13.
Also this week is the final issue of the Scarlet Spiders mini series, issue #3.
Scarlet Spiders tells the off shoot story of the three clones Kaine, Ultimate Jessica Drew, and Ben Reilly.
The final issue of Spider-Verse Team Up also comes out this week.
Each issue of Spider-Verse Team Up has featured two stories pairing up different Spiders each issue, and #3 is no different. A few of these stories have even pulled classic Spider-Man writers and artists out of semi retirement.
Finally in the Spider-Verse world this week is Spider-Woman #3.
Featuring the side story of Spider-Woman and Silk and drawn by the often hated Greg Land. (I kind of like him but he does get a bit lazy now and then)
Spider-Verse Over Sized Vinyl Poster $34.99 (it’s 12 feet long)
Everything related to Spider-Verse has been good, but stick to the main series if your budget is tight. I can’t rave about it enough. It seemed like a dumb premise at first but it is being executed masterfully. No matter where a Spider comes from, they share the common ground of Peter Parker’s morality, and it reminds you what strong stuff that is. “With great power comes great responsibility”
We’ve also got a a cool freebie for you this week in the form of the DC Entertainment Essentials and Chronology Guide for 2015.
Want to explore DC’s rich graphic novel history? This book tells you what to read and in what order. Broken down by character and imprint it’s a really great resource to have, and we’ll be giving them away with a purchase starting this Wednesday! It’s a pretty thick book too. If you ever have questions about what to read please reach out to a staff member, we’re always happy to point you in the right direction too.
We’ll also have a big selection of new product hitting the table this week as always.
Peace and we’ll see you at the shop!