New Comic Releases for the Week of 4-8-2015

Free Comic Book Day is Coming!

Convergence kicks into high gear, Deadpool dies, and we’ve got some cool new Indie titles this week!

Here’s the featured new releases coming out Wednesday, April 8th, 2015.

Last week’s #0 issue set up the premise, but Convergence officially begins this week with Convergence #1 and ten new two issue miniseries!

Convergence 1The domes are opening in issue #1, and it’s up to the heroes of Earth 2 to figure out how to save everyone.

This week’s new series are set between Zero Hour (1994) and Flashpoint (2011), so basically the world of  pre New 52. This era is about “The Return of the Fan Favorites” and is basically DC bringing back every character that people are upset were absent from the new 52.

Here’s some highlights of this weeks offerings:

  • Convergence Atom #1: Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi and Deathstroke!
  • Convergence Batgirl #1: Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown and Tim Drake!

Convergence Batgirl 1

  • Convergence Batman and Robin #1: Pre New 52 Batman, Damian Wayne and Jason Todd!
  • Convergence Harley Quinn #1: The Gotham Girl, Harley Quinn, Catwoman and Poison Ivy, plus Harley’s old costume!

Convergence Harley Quinn 1

  • Convergence Justice League #1: All girl line up at Jessie Quick’s baby shower!
  • Convergence Nightwing Oracle #1: Gail Simone returns to the Dick Grayson / Barbara Gordon relationship!

Convergence Nightwing Oracle 1

  • Convergence Question #1: Greg Rucka returns to fan favorite Renee Montoya!
  • Convergence Speed Force #1: The return of Wally West!!!

Convergence Speed Force 1

  • Convergence Superman #1: Superman and a pregnant Lois Lane!
  • Convergence Titans #1: Arsenal trying to pull it together after the loss of his hand and his daughter.

Once again, here’s all the info we’ve gathered on Convergence:

As stated earlier we’ll be throwing some books in people’s files based on what you already get from us. You are under no obligation to purchase these books but we suggest you hop on board for the fun.

Marvel timed a pretty big release for this week’s additional Convergence traffic, the 45th (or 250th) issue of Deadpool!

Deadpool 250 Avengers VariantA huge book for $9.99, this final issue has an all star line up of writers and artists, featuring Deadpool with the Infinity Gauntlet and the Death of Deadpool! (did we forget to say spoiler alert?)

There are two standout Indie releases this week, both of which are pretty impressive, Rebels #1 by Brian Wood and Kaijumax #1 by BOOM Studios.

Rebels 1“In a rush of great public resistance to an oppressive and excessive government, a homegrown militia movement is formed in rural America. This is not 2015, but 1775. With the war for independence playing out across the colonies, young Seth and Mercy Abbott find their new marriage tested at every turn, as the demands of the front lines and the home front collide.”

Brain Wood is known for really amazing futuristic war  epics like DMZ and Channel Zero, he’s put a lot of work into this historical drama and it reads very smoothly. Highly Recommended.

Kaijumax 1“Welcome to Kaijumax, where the worst of the worst monsters are safely locked away from the human world, whether they be villains, anti-heroes, eco-parables, or nuclear metaphors. Electrogor is ripped away from his family and struggles to determine whom to trust, which gangs to avoid, and when to take on the big man to show you aren’t to be trifled with.”

I don’t know what else I can say other than the fact that the whole staff has been waiting for this book. As a bonus Bryan Lee O’Malley (Scott Pilgrim) has shown his support of the book by doing a variant cover. (which will be cover price!)

That’s all for this week! We’ll be giving details about Free Comic Book Day soon, so stayed tuned!