The New Marvel Universe Begins This Week 10-7-2015
This week is the relaunch of the new Marvel Universe, with six new titles to choose from setting the structure for this new world.
Sure Secret Wars isn’t over yet, (and won’t be for some time) but Marvel historically loves to conquer the sales charts in the month of October, and this week looks like the biggest of the year.
Spearheading the charge is Invincible Iron Man #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez!
Billed as the flagship title of the new launch, just as the Iron Man movie was in the theaters. Expect new armors, new cast, and new villains, as well as a new direction and purpose for the character. This is the one to grab and their are lots of variants to go with it. These variants will be cover priced and first come first serve on Wednesday at noon! Variants like Cosplay, Action Figure, Putri Party, Skottie Young, Young Guns set and more!
Amazing Spider-Man #1 is this week as well, and it seems that Peter Parker is a global businessman traveling the world with his bodyguard Spider-Man in tow.
Many variants for this as well, along with some short stories with Silk, Spider-Man 2099 and more to help fill the pages in this $5.99 giant.
Next is a primer for all the new Avengers titles with Avengers #0.
Figure out which Avengers titles you will follow here, in this huge $5.99 book with new stories from the upcoming:
- All-New, All-Different Avengers
- Squadron Supreme
- A-Force
- New Avengers
- Ultimates
- Uncanny Avengers.
With a linking story to tie it all together. Variants for this will be cover price as well.
There’s actually two primer’s this week, including the All-New All Different Point One #1.
This (ahem) $5.99 book will have stories from Daredevil, Carnage, Agents of Shield, Contest of Champions as well as other classified stories. Another good place to head you in the right direction.
This one’s really fun, Doctor Strange #1 by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachelo.
Aaron’s writing along with Bachelo’s trippy artwork should put this one on the map. Especially with interest starting to build in this next star of the silver screen.
Lastly in the Marvel category is Contest of the Champions #1.
It looks like the Maestro made it out of Secret Wars and is now running a Battle Realm pitting characters against each other. Based on the first ever Marvel miniseries in the 80’s as well as a currently popular video game.
To go with your purchase of any of the above books, we’ve got Iron Man Build an Armor pieces.
There will be six pieces total and this week we’ll have parts one through three. You’ll get one piece for any of the above books you purchase, even for multiples of the same title, up to all three pieces.
This is also a big week if you’re a Star Wars Fan, with four books coming out in one week.
Star Wars #10, Shattered Empire #2, Darth Vader #10, and Lando #5 are all this week.
Secret Wars #6 is even coming out as well. Thanks Marvel!
There’s also some really great stuff on the other side of the table as well, like DC’s new weekly Batman and Robin Eternal #1, and Paper Girls, the new indie from Brian Vaughan!
We’d like to take this time to say thank you to Cleveland Magazine, for giving us one of their coveted Best of Awards. Since this was the 10th Anniversary of their Best of, they decided to pick ten businesses from the last ten years to win a Best All Time Favorite Category, and we won one. Check it out here!