Deadpool, Valentine’s Day and Winston World
It’s a big weekend for everyone, with the premiere of Deadpool in theaters, Valentine’s Day, and the news that Winston World has been co-opted by Wizard World.
Here’s what’s going on this weekend at CNJComics!
Deadpool is here! And the reviews are very positive! (We can check one movie off the extensive list for the year) Here’s the Superbowl Spot
While’s we’re at it, let’s catch you up on everything:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Ant-Man verse the Hulk over a can of Coke
Bruce Wayne for Turkish Airlines
Lex Luthor for Turkish Airlines
And the Final Batman Superman Trailer
But let’s get back to Deadpool! To coincide with the release of the of the movie, Deadpool #7 is a $9.99 over-sized special by a who’s who of writers and artists.
Free with the purchase of any Deadpool product will be the COMPLETE six part Deadpool Build a Figure. (This time you get the whole thing at once. There’s creeps online selling this for $12.99 already)
Also free this week will be a new Marvel Preview Book, giving you details on all the new story lines going on.
Also also free this week will be a new 2016 DC Reading Chronology Book.
Just ask at the counter when you check out for any of these great FREE promo items!
What better way to show someone you love them then to take them on a comic shop spending spree?
All day Sunday you’ll be able to pick a Valentine out of a box with any purchase. These cards contain discounts on your purchases, free items and gift certificates! (There’s even cards for free Omnibus’ in there!) Every card is a winner. Just another way to show our love on Valentine’s Day. The perfect pre-dinner date!
Winston World has been Co-opted by Wizard World.
Yes we’ll be setting up at Wizard World this year. And we’re also working with their grassroots coordinator to put a little love out into our community.
First, here’s a code for 20% off your tickets: CNJCOMICS16 (you can thank Winston for that)
Second, we aired some concerns over the cost of getting a family down to Wizard World, and the org is allowing us to grant three family scholarships to attend the event. We’ll be announcing the winners of these tickets next week.
What they would like us to communicate to you, is that you get a free ten and under admission with every regular ticket purchased. (So a family of four with two kids under ten really only has to buy two tickets.)
Finally, to serve only his vanity, Winston will be hosting an art contest where you can do your rendition of him to win free passes to the show.
From February 12th to the 23rd, turn in your best drawing of Winston and you could win a pair on free passes good for any one day at Wizard World.
There will be six (6) pairs of tickets given away total, three pairs going to the best three drawings ages 11 and up, and three sets given to the best three drawings ages ten and under. (so yes, given the above theory, a five year old can win passes to get his parents in, along with themselves and his/her older brother if they’re under ten)
All winners will be chosen by Winston himself and will be announced on February 24th. (you will be contacted and your name will be on a list at the door)
All entries will be scanned and we’ll put up a cool gallery online. Wizard World will have the images as well, and the winners will likely be shared through their social media circles. (so be sure to put your URL on it!
If any of YOU are setting up or are involved in a panel or whatnot, let us know. We plan on putting together a guide of local stuff going on down their so our community get the recognition they deserve.
While we will be setting up at the show, we will also be having an extensive sale in the shop that weekend, in case you still can’t make it down. That’s the magic of Winston World!
Okay, enough excitement, time to go see Deadpool!