Carol and John’s Welcomes the Avengers!

This is certainly an exciting time in our city’s history for comic book fans. We’ve got the Avengers filming on our own, so to speak, front lawn. As the last comic shop in the city of Cleveland proper (amazing, isn’t it?) we’d like to give a big hello to all our guests visiting from out of town.
We love this city.  We’ve been here for 20 years, in one form or another, and we hope you have the time to look around and see the things that we love about it. The blue collar work ethic instilled in it’s people will amaze you; their devotion to things and causes incredible. For those who don’t know my comic book reading started in the late 70’s when I’d visit my great grandfather’s house on East 78th and Ovington. He was a Polish immigrant who could speak English but not read it very well. So my family would buy him stacks of comics to read to learn words from the pictures and context. For me this meant every visit to grandpa’s house was a chance to rummage through his books.
When he passed away those books were left to me. One book, Avengers #165, shined above them all. It’s the book I’ve said for years was the spark that led me to working in a comic shop at age 11, to this shop’s creation when I was 17 and eventually to my job with the Cleveland Fire Deparment at 21. So to see this movie come to fruition not only by Joss Whedon but in my own home is quite amazing indeed. That my mother has been my partner through this all has made my life that much richer. So enjoy this time in the sun Cleveland! We’re proud of you.
Avengers Assemble! 🙂
John Dudas, Co-owner
Carol and John’s Comic Book Shop